The one whos there for me

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"Hey. Hey! Wake up. You're safe now red blood cell. It's going to be fine." You recognize that voice. It's him. It's white blood cell. Your eyelids are so heavy and when you're finally able to crack open your eyes, everything is blurry.

You wake up to white blood cell looking over you with a worried look on his face

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You wake up to white blood cell looking over you with a worried look on his face. He calls in on some type of device in his hand before he holds you in his lap. He cradles you like you're a delicate porcelain doll and talks to you, telling you to stay alive. Suddenly you bounce to your feet, almost collapsing. "What are doing?? Are you that stupid? That's not healthy. You're injured and you need to rest." He holds your arms keeping you from falling. Ashamed, you pull his hand off you. "No you don't understand. My senpai is counting on me. I needed to get that oxygen to the aorta. If I don't hurry and get more oxygen, I will be even more of a failure. So you can go now. Thanks for your help though." White blood cells eyes widen as he lets go of your arm. "I was just making sure you were ok. As I made sure to do for all the other red blood cells alike. I didn't give you any special treatment. Just doing my job." He pushes his hat down over his eyes and picks up his knife from the ground. Sliding it into his pocket, he walks away. You stand there watching as his tall figure slowly fades. Crap. I forgot to ask him what happened when I was passed out. You get up and start running after white blood cell. "Wait!!! Come back!! Please stop! White blood cell!!" You trip over a crushed oxygen tank and fall to the floor. You get up and start staggering toward white blood cell again. Seeing a light, you head towards it. You leave the tunnel you were just in to find yourself among many red blood cells and platelets, all working to close the wound. You limp over to a platelet and ask if they had seen white blood cell. "Oh well I just saw a white blood cell!! He was heading out of that artery right over there!! There is quite a bit of damage though so I don't think anybody's still in there. We're heading over there right now to fix it all up!!" The platelet said with a smile. "Awww you're so cute!!! Well thank you anyway and yeah there's a whole bunch of damage down there so good luck!!!" You ruffle the cute little platelets hair as they all trundle over to the damaged areas. "Well. I still have zero idea where white blood cell is." You laugh sadly to yourself. I was definitely a little rude especially after he watched over me and saved my life. I feel so horrible. You feel yourself suddenly tearing up. Wait why am I crying??? I need to stop. I'm in public and those killer T cells over there are staring at me. Embarrassed you turn around and start walking in the direction you think white blood cell has gone. You turn the corner near the entrance to the small intestine and see him, drinking relaxing tea slowly while looking through the inner intestines glass. Your eyes light up the moment you see his figure and you walk up to him. His head slowly turns and he looks you up and down, composed and showing very little surprise nor emotion at seeing you limping toward him. "Do you need anything? Any help?" He says nonchalantly. "Well uh I just wanted to say I'm sorry for earlier. And thank you for taking care of me when I was passed out. I just wanted to know what went on when I was asleep... if you don't mind." You stammer. He leans close to you, looking at the cuts and bruises on your face. Carefully, he raises his hand to your face and caresses the wounds. "You need to head to medical. Those cuts look deep." He drops his hand from your face. You realize you're frozen from his touch and shake yourself out of it. "Um ok yeah I'll head over there as soon as possible to get it checked out. But what happened to the bullet hole? Is it still there?" You question. "Well you were out for almost 12 hours. There was a lot of damage but we saved as many as we could. There were giant metal things poking around the heart area so we had to evacuate everyone out of that area for a while. The antigens are gone and there's no virus. A type of liquid came through some sort of tube and fixed the drought that was caused by a fever the body had. There's still work being done everywhere but the worst is over." He quickly explains. "Wow. That's a lot that happened just while I was asleep. I wish I could have been there to help." You say, shocked at everything that went on. "You would have been useless there. The heart needed outside oxygen and the stomach had nutrients coming through a tube. You only would have got in the way." White blood cell says coldly. "You don't have to be rude about it. I understand I would've been of little use but it's still my job as a red blood cell to help out wherever and whenever I can. Now excuse me. I have somewhere to go." You say a bit angrily. "I didn't mean it in a rude way. I was just telling the truth." He says, sounding confused. He raises one eyebrow and shakes his head. *beep* *beep* you hear a strange noise  going off and a censor that kinda looks like a lollipop pops up from white blood cells hat. "Well. There's a bacteria nearby and it's my job to make sure it doesn't live. So see you around." He says, nodding his head and bounding away, knife in hand. You watch him go until he disappears into the shadows. My body and my heart is aching. It's not because of him. It CAN'T BE. From now on, I hate him. I won't listen to him or let me hold me. I won't...let him...hold me. Your mind wanders to his large, veiny hands. To his broad shoulders and strong arms as he carries you. And... your brain wanders somewhere... else. To that alluring part of him. That part that would make you able to taste all him. To feel all of him. You jolt as you realize just what you were fantasizing about. Your face flushes red and you turn around to make sure no one was looking at you practically drooling over the thought of him. You see there's no one there so you finally relax. I need to head home. I can't stay out here any longer. I hopefully have bandages at home. There I'll relax and try to forget white blood cell.

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