Just friends

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"Look senpai, it was a mistake!!!" You say pleadingly. "I can't believe this. You lost ANOTHER oxygen shipment?? And after all your training. I picked you as a kouhai because I thought you had potential." Your senpai says sounding frustrated. Looking you up and down, she crosses her arms. "Now what do you have to say for yourself?" "Look there was a huge wound!! My oxygen shipment yesterday was crushed under falling wall tissue! There was nothing I could've done. I tried my best, ok. And on top of that, I barely made it out alive. I'm trying to be a good red blood cell but it's hard when I'm so distracted by-" your eyes widen and your hand slaps to your mouth. I was really just about to say white blood cell. Senpai raises one eyebrow and leans in, her face inches from yours. "Distracted huh? By what?" You stutter as you try to explain. "No no I didn't mean to say that ahaha. I ummm was going to say I was distracted by all this yummy um... food!!! Yeah that is what I've been distracted by haha..." "That sounds a bit like you just made that up right now." She says suspiciously. "Well. I can't prove that you're lying. So. Just try your best to ACTUALLY deliver your  shipment this time." Senpai uncrosses her arms and walks over to a cart filled with tanks of oxygen. Pushing it over to you, she hands you another map with your routes drawn in. "There. Everything is set up perfectly. Don't get lost alright?" Looking up at her with determination you grab the map and the cart. "I definitely will make it!!! No lost shipments today!!!" You smile, thankful that you don't have to go back into training. Straightening out your hat, you start heading toward a vein. "Ah wow. Today is such a beautiful day! No bacteria or problems. This shipment is going to make it to all the cells who are in need!!!" Skipping away happily, you start your journey.

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