a/n please read

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im so very sorry for not udpating. the last chapter was written by my bestfriend. she enjoys writing very much and i hope you enjoyed the last few chapters.

i am very busy and do have a life. as much as i wish it was, writing is not my first priority.

i go straight from school to a gym, then have other activities after like volleyball and cycling. i spend time with family and babysit to have money. friends are probably my first priority right now. i do try to keep up with your commands but sometimes it gets hard. im so very sorry, again.

in all honesty i try to make chapters as long as possible and im sorry if they are not long enough. i am very busy and do homework and study for 2 hours a night and dont get home from the gym till 6:30pm so i dont get homework done till 8:30 and i have to take showers still. it should be slowing down because the school year is almost over. so please dont comment for "longer udpates" or to "udpate now". i will udpate when i can and will try my hardes to make chapters longer and be more consistent.

thank you so much for your support and 15 K READS! MY FRIEND TOLD ME AT SCHOOL IN LANGUAGE AND MY TEACHER FLIPPED. but in all honesty thank you for reading my story. i really do love each and every one of you💙 be sure to check out my social media and if you comment on my ig or tweet me something you like about my story with a green emoji i will follow back. (i have to know your a reader)

ig- @maciegrier
twitta- @simpliemacie

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