Chapter Twenty

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Me: Wow! I can't believe we're at chapter TWENTY. This dare is for all nine Kiss members and it was a dare from our new friend Suzy.

Suzy: *grins mischievously* It involves something about colors.

Me: *snaps fingers and all nine Kiss members each have their own paintball gun*

Ace: I've always wanted to do this!

Paul: No freakin way! This is gonna ruin my hair. And I just fixed it earlier today.

Me: 😂

Suzy: 😂

Vixen91: 🤣

Eli: 😹

Gene: Come on Paul. It will be fun. Plus, after we're done, you can take a nice bath to relax.

Paul: Okay...FINE! 😖

Vinnie: Let's put on our helmets for protection.

(*Everyone puts on their paintball helmets, and then we all head to the paintball gun arena*)

Me: Okay ladies! Let's kick some ass.

(*All the Kiss guys and the girls are split into teams*)

Paintball Gun Arena Manager: Alright, everyone. Make sure that you're helmets are securely fastened or there will be another emergency visit to the hospital on our hands.

(*Everyone checks their helmets*)

Paintball Gun Arena Manager: Ready...SET?...GO! *blows whistle*


(*All the girls run straight over to the Kiss guys, and all the Kiss guys run straight for the girls*)

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