An Encounter

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I hesitantly wandered into the thick forest in search of the cause of the horrible smell. My hand hovered over my sword, ready to unsheathe if I needed to. My steps were quiet and careful and my breathing was as still as ever. The darkness made it hard to see in front of me but I carried on regardless. I couldn't help but remember the phrase "Curiosity killed the cat" but in an attempt to change the mindset I was in I reminded myself of the ending of the phrase, "but satisfaction brought it back."

My stomach was filled with unease and the air was thick. Something was off about the setting, this isn't just a rotting animal. Before I knew it, I was knocked back by the smell which was now tenfold of what it originally was. I was nearing it. I pushed forward and I could see a large silhouette in front of me, if it were a demon my presence would have been sensed at this range already so I called out,

"Who are you?" I asked in a serious tone. No response. My expression turned cold and stiff and my eyes narrowed trying to see what the figure was. It was too dark to tell from this far, but I couldn't sense any life from where the figure was. Is it just a rock? I questioned myself but approached cautiously. The smell was even worse and I was now standing before the figure. I reached my hand in my pocket and lit a match to see what it was.

My eyes widened in fear and I jumped back. It was the corpse of the man that was in the ramen shack hanging from upside down in a tree. His stomach was sliced, or more accurately, clawed open and whatever insides he had left were flowing out and some were piled on the ground in a puddle of blood. His left eye was hanging out of it's socket while the right one was nowhere to be seen. Part of his body was skinned and bugs were already nesting inside of his corpse. I could feel my insides churn. I've seen a lot of graphic scenes but this one was terrible, especially since it happened while I was nearby and had no idea.

I could feel my blood boil with anger and guilt for not being able to help this man. I crushed the match in my hand without flinching at the pain from the fire or the piercing of the snapped wood and unsheathed my sword swiftly. The clouds in the sky started to part and the moon began to light up the forest to where things were now more visible and my eyes adjusted quickly.

The corpse was relatively fresh, meaning the demon that did this had to still be lurking around, especially since it doesn't look like much was eaten off the body. There was a sound of shuffling behind me and a deep voice spoke out,

"My my my, what have we here? A demon slayer all alone in the woods at night?" I could hear the sound of the demon moving about in the trees, but I couldn't pinpoint their exact location. There was an eerie chuckle that escaped from the demon's mouth,

"Just what are we going to do about that?" The way they spoke made it obvious they were smiling and enjoying their teasing. This angered me more and I gripped my sword even tighter.

"Show yourself you coward! You have the advantage at night, why hide?!" I shouted as loudly as I could manage. I could hear my voice echo throughout the still forest. The laughter and shuffling came to a halt. There was nothing. The only sound I could hear was my heartbeat and my breathing. I took a stance ready to engage in a battle but nothing came. Did they retreat? No. There's no way, is there? I was confused, I was letting my emotions get toyed with, it was hindering my senses. I have to be overthinking this, is this a form of an attack or are they gone?

My eyes raced over every detail I could pick up on, looking for a sign of a demon but I couldn't find anything. 15 minutes had passed and I was still in a fighting stance. I put my sword back into its rightful place on my hip and started to slowly retreat to report the incident, but before I could fully turn around, my back was clawed with a force that sent my flying into a tree. The gash was deep and I could feel broken ribs piercing into my lungs.

Pain was surging through every inch of my body and my pierced lung hindered my breathing but I couldn't give up here. I grabbed my sword once more and charged at the large figure in front of me. My sword clashed against the demon's arm without even making a scratch on their skin. My eyes focused on every inch of their body until I locked eyes with the creature.

A smile crept onto the demon's face as a look of fear overcame mine. A former lower moon. What were they doing here? My mind was scrambling to focus on one thing. I couldn't focus and the demon didn't hesitate to attack once more. I blocked the blow with my sword only to be shot backwards with incredible force. At the moment of impact I felt my left shoulder dislocate. I rolled a few feet, gathering cuts and bruises across my arms and face.

There was a large cut on my forehead that wouldn't stop bleeding and blood poured down my face. I can't give up here, I have to fight. I thought. Think (Y/N)...what would Giyuu do? I shocked myself with the thought of Giyuu but shook it off instantly and focused on the former lower moon before me. The training I did with Rengoku will be put to the test here and now. I sighed and took stance,

"First Form: Unknowing Fire!" I shouted while the ground beneath my feet cracked. I left a divot from where I launched myself towards the demon at incredible speed and brought my sword down onto their neck while shouting from rage and the pain of my injuries. The entire forest glowed from the attack. In an instant the demon's head was far from its body and the skin that had made contact with the sword was burning away.

I coughed up blood and heaved heavily, holding onto my left side where my ribs were broken. I looked at my surroundings and realized I was no longer by the corpse but somewhere farther into the forest. I sighed and thought, this is gonna be a bitch to get out of. I let out a small laugh and winced immediately at the pain that rushed through my body. I headed off in one direction using the trees to support me each time I passed one. I'll get out of here eventually

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