Time to Prepare

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I stumbled for miles until I noticed a clearing in front of me. It was still nighttime, or at least around midnight. My vision started to go blurry with each step that I took. I lost a lot of blood during the fight. At first I thought I was hallucinating due to blood loss, but there was a decently sized house up ahead and the lights were still on.

A weak smile formed on my face as I hurried towards the residence. The only thought in my mind was, please...don't let me die here. There were only a few steps to hobble up but I managed to reach the door but the second I raised my arm to knock, my vision blurred even more and I was on the ground with a loud thud. Soon everything started to fade around me. Am I going to die?

Third Person POV:


The owner of the house's head rose from the book they were reading and turned their attention to the door. They sat and waited for a second "thud" but none came. What was that? They couldn't help but ponder. Out of pure curiosity, they made their way towards the door and opened it. At first they didn't notice the beaten and bloody figure until they stepped outside and felt their foot slip a little under a puddle of liquid.

They opened the door more to let the light from the house illuminate the deck. They took a step back when they noticed a woman's body covered in blood lying before them.

They hastily reached a hand down and placed it on the side of the women's neck to check for a pulse and sighed in relief when they discovered one. The owner swiftly placed down towels onto a guest bed and gently carried the women into the house. They were not exactly educated in medicine but cleaned and treated the women's wounds the best they could.

After treating the women, the owner turned off the lights and left the room to rest. It was only for a few hours but dawn was about to break. The owner walked into the room and swapped out the old bandages for new ones, this became routine for them. 

The sun was yet to rise and the moon was still partially visible. Normally, it would have taken someone a week to recuperate after such a fight but the woman groggily opened her eyes. She sighed and placed a hand on her side where her ribs are. Quickly she sat up ignoring her injuries and opened the blinds to the window to see it was still very early in the morning.

"Shit!" she hissed under breath while trying to gather her things as swiftly as she could manage. In the process she ended up knocking books off of the desk that was placed in the room and bumped into the chair causing a series of loud thumps. Her wounds had already closed slightly but her ribs and shoulder were still in a process of healing. She was human, but strangely enough was able to heal faster than one could.

The women's things were all packed and she opened the door to be face to face with the owner of the house who was holding a tray of food.

"G-g-g..." was all the woman could manage.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I swiftly opened the door and was about to rush out but a tall figure stood before me. In shock and embarrassment all that could leave my lips were,

"G-g-g..." I looked up and immediately was lost into familiar sapphire eyes. Giyuu stood before me, eyeing me up and down with an expressionless face. Before I could throw out my explanation he spoke clearly,

"I see you're doing better." He made a slightly confused look after looking behind me to see that the once neatly set up room was now messy with the desk and chair moved out of place, books on the ground, and sheets and towels on the floor. I looked away and quietly apologized. Then instantly I panicked,

"The mission! How long was I out for? We need to get going," I shouted frantically. He placed his hand on my shoulder to snap me back to reality and spoke softly,

"I informed Ubuyashiki of your condition. You were only out for a few days and the mission was put to a halt." He removed his hand from your shoulder and continued,

"The other Hashira are occupied with their own duties and we are still lacking demon slayers so we are to set off whenever your condition improves or if one of the Hashira returns, whichever comes first." He handed me the tray of food and walked away but before he turned the corner he yelled back,

"Clean the room."

I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't figure out why but I smiled all through eating and cleaning.

 After cleaning up the room, I brought the tray to the kitchen and observed the house a little more. I found myself walking down the halls and peering into each room. His house was clean and neat, everything found itself in it's own place.

Giyuu was nowhere to be seen. I called out his name but got no response. I looked outside and saw him training by himself, he noticed me looking and motioned for me to come out. I put on my shoes that he had placed by the door and made my way down the steps.

"Grab your sword. I set it on the deck." He pointed to where my weapon was placed and I picked it up. I stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing what he wanted me to do. He shook his head and sighed,

"Attack me." His voice was stern and demanding. It sent chills down my spine and all I could do was stand there like a child. He repeated his command again, but this time in an even more demanding tone,

"Attack me (Y/N)." The way he said my name made me feel something in my stomach and I could feel my body get hot. His attention was on me. I hesitantly nodded and made my way over to him and assumed my stance. Before either of us began, Giyuu broke the silence,

"I want to see if you can perform on this mission," he explained. So that's why we're doing this, I thought. I regained my previous stance and concentration and swiftly charged at him. His power was unbelievable, even while holding back. Him and I sparred for two hours and when we finally finished it was the afternoon. He had barely broken a sweat against me, and here I was panting and out of breath. He started walking towards the house, leaving me behind and before I could say anything he said,

"Keep an eye on your shoulder and ribs. We leave at dusk." He disappeared into his house and I stood outside a moment longer, breathing in the fresh air. By the time I entered the house Giyuu was no longer there. He left behind a note that read,

"I'm going out, don't trash my house. We're to meet at the garden so we can depart for the mission at dusk. Gather everything you need.

                                                                                                                  - Giyuu"

I smiled at the note, and admired his handwriting. I broke my concentration on the note and went back to the guest room where my things were. To my surprise, there was Wisteria laying on the bed with my haori neatly folded next to it. I placed the flower in my pocket and put on my haori and headed off to my house to gather up my things. 

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