Confrontation (slight nsfw)

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! Trigger/Slight Smut warning for this chapter: There is going to be non consensual nsfw and themes like that !

Second Person POV (sorry for changing the pov so muchhh):

Giyuu returned only moments after to see that you were nowhere in sight.

He kept a calm complexion and asked the bartender where you had gone,

"I'm not sure where she's goin', but she left just a few minutes ago." The bartender motioned towards the large stuffed animal that Giyuu had won for you and your backpack and continued,

"She left this behind as well as her wallet, said she couldn't do the math to pay so she just gave me all of it. I'm an honest man. I was hoping you'd take this back to her," the man said, handing your wallet to Giyuu.

"Don't worry about paying either, it's a special few days for us here, with celebratin' and all. Besides it's not like you two got much between yourselves." Giyuu nodded as thanks.

"Can you hold onto everything?" Giyuu asked. The man smiled and nodded at Giyuu as he left to search for where you went.

He stopped outside of the building and looked left and right, pondering at where to search first. Giyuu was just about to turn left when he noticed your bracelet laying on the right. He turned his body and softly sighed and walked towards the bracelet, picked it up, and continued down the road you went.

The town was a little quieter since it was much later. People had started to go inside their homes, but there were still some hanging around. Giyuu peered down every alley in search of you and even considered calling out your name but instantly ignored the idea as to not draw anymore unwanted attention to himself.

He kept going for a quarter of a mile. His pace slowed when he noticed the lively scene he was just in started to fade and become darker. The buildings here were much smaller and in lesser quality than those he was just by. He stood still in his place with the same emotionless face he always wore and listened around him. He was focusing on any signs of anyone being around in hopes of it being you.

Suddenly there was the faint sound of a trash can being knocked over and shouting from an alley far ahead. Naturally, Giyuu quietly approached where the sound was coming from.

"Look what you did you stupid slut!" a voice called out and the sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the alley. There was a small, muffled whimper from you that followed and the sound of laughter. A different voice spoke up this time,

"Dumb whores like you need to be taught a lesson for makin' a mess," he laughed while unbuckling his belt.

"Take the gag outta her mouth," the man ordered. He then looked at you and continued,

"If you scream or make as much as noise, you're dead you hear?" he said while pulling a small blade from his pocket and rubbing it against your cheek. You nodded as one of the other men removed the cloth from your mouth.

You were still slightly drunk, and in no condition to fight back. You felt a large hand on the back of your head force you down to your knees so you were eyelevel with the crotch of the man who had unbuckled his belt. The hand kept you in place and you were unable to protest to the sudden force.

You could feel tears stinging in your eyes, you were embarrassed and scared. You had trained your whole life to become a demon slayer and here you were forced on your knees by a group of scumbags who took advantage of your drunken state.

"That top of yours..." one of the men started,

"Take it off, I think it's getting in the way." he demanded. You hesitantly raised your hands and started to unbutton the top of your uniform. Although the man who had unbuckled his belt was growing impatient and cut you off before you could complete remove the top,

"That's it..." he growled and grabbed you by your hair,

"Start working now you whore." His voice was demanding, nowhere near how Giyuu demanded you. This time you raised your hands and grabbed the waistband of his pants and hesitantly pulled to reveal his erect member.

He slapped you again, indicating to hurry up and you opened your mouth to begin but he wasted no time to thrust into your mouth, causing you to gag. This resulted in deep chuckles from the other men that were with him.

You didn't bother to hold back the tears and cried while your throat got violated by a random man. It was difficult to breathe and he was anything but gentle. He was about to finish in your mouth when a familiar voice called out,

"What do you think you're doing?" Giyuu's voice was deep and coated with anger.

You pulled back from the man's member, tears still flowing down your rosy cheeks as you were still kneeling on the ground, looking up at the tall dark haired man who started to slowly approach.

"Do you know this bitch or somethin'?" One of the men boldly stated while walking up to Giyuu, only to be instantly knocked back by a powerful blow. You could see him resisting the urge to unsheathe his sword and deal with them how he wanted.

Before you knew it, all of the men were knocked unconscious and Giyuu was looking down at you, holding out his hand. You shakily grabbed it and he pulled you up.

You started to button your top back up and looked down in embarrassment, tears forming in your eyes again.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Giyuu asked, there was concern written plain as day on his face. It was the first time you could clearly see him express any form of emotion on his face.

"Y-yes..." you softly whimpered. You tried to walk forward but struggled from still being slightly intoxicated and the wave of emotions that had overcame you. This didn't go unnoticed by the Water Hashira and he gently scooped you up into his arms bridal style. You were shocked by the sudden form of "affection" from Giyuu but relished the sound of his calming heartbeat and his intoxicating aroma.

He smells so good, you thought to yourself. You were exhausted and scared, but having your head lean against Giyuu's chest made your stomach do flips and your heart beat fast.

You fell asleep in his arms while he made his way to an inn. To his surprise there was only a single room left, and only one bed in it. He sighed and accepted the room and carried you inside.

He looked around the room and made his way over to the bed, with the intention of sleeping on the floor. He gently got the bed ready and started to lay you down. You, still asleep, wrapped your arms around his neck for him to stay. You were unaware of your actions but started to pull him down onto the bed with you.

He could feel his face grow warmer with every attempt to pull himself away from you but you refused to let go. He let out a sigh of defeat and reluctantly got into the bed with you. He placed you under the covers while he laid himself on top of them in order to respect your boundaries, especially after what you had just gone through.

Giyuu laid on his side facing opposite from you; however, you rolled over in order to wrap your arms around him once more, only this time from behind. His body grew tense from feeling your face nuzzle into his back and body against his.

What am I doing? He thought while softly grabbing your hand, holding it in his own, and steadily relaxing before slowly falling asleep with you hugging him from behind.

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