You Did Good

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It feels like it's been hours, you thought to yourself as you kept looping through the same area. At this point you're exhausted, mentally and physically. You kept thinking about whether or not Giyuu was okay and if you would ever find a way out of this hell.

Suddenly you hear a voice from a distance. You couldn't make out what they were saying so you called out,

"Giyuu? Is that you?" you hesitatingly questioned.

A deep chuckle erupted from the direction of the voice and you quickly drew your sword, ready to face whatever creature you were about to stumble to.

"Looks like I've toyed with you enough darling," the voice spoke again. This time it came from all directions, you couldn't pinpoint the location. You were starting to get even more irritated than before,

"Face me you coward! You have all the advantages here don't you!? Show yourself!" you angrily shouted to the forest. Another laugh erupted,

"You really should be careful what you wish for my dear," the demon said while suddenly appearing before you.

You jumped back and tightly gripped your sword. A devilish smirk was painted across the demon's face. He walked forward towards you with his hand in the air as if he were surrendering. You had your sword pointed at him, ready to deflect or attack.

He took his finger and pushed the tip of your sword aside,

"Now now, there's no need for violence is there? Can't you just give up peacefully?" he asked you while smiling. You despised how he was toying with you,

"As if I'd give up to you," you growled at him, baring your teeth like a cornered animal, which at this point you practically were.

He let out a sigh and looked you in your eyes,

"If only you were like the others. So willing to give up after running in circles and losing hope. People like you, with such determination disgust and annoy me, always trying to ruin the ritual" he said, this time growling back at you. You felt a drop of sweat roll down your forward as you looked into his glowing eyes, another lower moon, you thought.

Once Giyuu saw no sign of you by the meeting spot, he continued running off into the direction you went earlier. His face was plastered with anger,

"(Y/N)..." he whispered to himself, "hang in there." 

He continued running for what seemed like miles until he noticed your markings on the trees ahead. He picked up his pace and rushed into your direction.

His eyes stayed forward until he noticed small drops of red glittering in the moonlight. He slowed down with his hand hovering over his blade. His sprint went from a jog then gradually faded into a walk when the drops got bigger.

Giyuu's eyes widened when he saw your unconscious body strung up on a crucifix made from logs and sticks. Your hands and feet were nailed and blood dripped down them as well as your forehead.

He quickly ran up to your body and checked for a pulse then sighed when he got one, although it was weak. Giyuu looked around the area for any signs of a demon but saw none.

He tried to get you down but his attempts were futile.

Meanwhile you were face to face with the lower moon.

"You're dead you monster!" you called out while charging the demon at full force. You struck your sword down onto its neck only for it to phase right through it. You heard a chuckles escape from the demon's lips,

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