Chapter 6: 20:52 (Part 2)

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[20:52:43] (Approximately seven minutes before the White Mask attack unfolds)

Aaron Harper was not having a good time tonight, normally his job didn't bother him too much as a waiter for one of the three restaurants, within the highly luxurious Five-Stars Hotel known for its grandeur hospitality amongst the wealthy and upper-class groups as well as prestigious status for housing famous individuals in the past. Not only was the Inn known for its high standing amongst everyone, but it also paid very well for somebody like him to take orders from well-dressed people and pour water for them. So why would Aaron be upset about working in the well-known hotel?

Well, a U.S politician hailing from California decided to stay at the Five-Stars for a few days to relax with his wife before heading back to the Capital to discuss government spending. Even though Harper had little knowledge or even care for the modern politics in his country, he moderately disliked the current events that are happening in his country and overseas, particularly the embarrassment that went down in the Middle East. Two older cousins of Aaron from his mother's side both joined the Marines when he was still a newborn relatively one month after the Twin Towers attack. Although Harper had never personally known the two, his mother had often talked highly of them, while his father noted that they were everything he wanted for a son which Aaron took with a grain of salt as he and his father never got along often when he was growing up, being in a very large shadow contrasting to his cousins.

He never even physically met them either! But during family reunions, it seems that everyone in his family had a chance to meet the two before they headed off for deployment in the Middle East as they were always the subject of talk amongst his relatives. Although Aaron was annoyed about the two, he still had a begrudging respect for them whenever they were brought up in stories told by family members. Aaron had daydreamed scenarios where he would meet the two brothers after their service was completed and wondered if they really were 'The Pride of the Family' as his family led him to believe. Sadly, that dream was now shattered into smithereens one day, when a phone call from his Aunt Jeanne, the mother of the two boys was crying audibly into the phone as she received the devastating news about her sons.

In the following week, Aaron had found himself wearing a black suit and tie sitting amongst the rest of his family who all wore black as well, the family were all silent though still mourning as two caskets were draped over with the United States Flag until they were folded and given to Aunt Jeanne who looked like she was about to crack at any second. Aaron remembered that memory as if it burned into his brain. He watched scenes like that in movies but never had he felt mesmerized by the real thing. Since that day, Aaron had finally respected the two brothers as they were laid to rest at the Arlington National Cemetery.

It has been a couple of years after the funeral, Aaron had been just twelve years old since then and is now nineteen pushing into his early 20s next month. Having moved out of his parent's house a year ago, Aaron had begun living independently in a small crummy apartment that was a few walking distances away from the Five-Stars. Normally Aaron wouldn't be up this late working till midnight as he was still in his second year in college when he moved into the city. Unfortunately, all classes have been cancelled consequently until further notice due to the discovery of multiple students operating an online forum that supported the White Mask terrorist group along with other radical groups that were considered alt-right to some others, which was one of the main reasons why the president or whoever was in charge within the college, put a tight hold on all classes on the campus. Aaron pondered on the subject for a moment before pushing them away, he was still working for crying out loud and needed to focus! Besides, it wasn't like his manager was more than welcoming for him to slack off for the second time, especially for something important like this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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