Chapter 5: 21:00 (Part 1)

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(Eights POV)

4 hours later, somewhere in the city....

Eights: "Are we all prepared Teal?" I asked the slicer as he was clamping the last cable onto one of the four metal legs that belonged to a foldable chair, which was being occupied by the terrorist we have captured, now without his mask or coat that concealed him.

Teal: "All set and ready to go squad leader," Teal said as he tightens the ropes to ensure it was secured before affirming it with a thumbs up.

Teal: "You know, for a terrorist he's pretty much a dunce for carrying his ID around," The squad technician replied. 

Eights: "Scratch, wake him up for us," I commanded as Scratch held the large bucket of water and splashed it onto the terrorist; causing the person in question to wake up in an aggressive manner.

Terrorist: "DDDAAAHHHH!" The terrorist yelled as he began thrashing in the chair from the freezing cold water that was thrown over him. As the lone arsonist continued to shift aggressively in the metal chair, he began to slowly move less and less when he realized that he was tied to the foldable chair with ropes upon looking down. After looking down at himself,

Terrorist: "What the fuck!? Where the hell am I?!" The terrorist yelled as the single lightbulb over him was his only light source to see in the pitch-black room that he was trapped in.

Eights: "So you have awoken, Mr. Garn," I made my presence known in the darkroom to the terrorist.

Terrorist: "Wait? What the fuck?! How the fuck did you know my name?! Hold, on? That voice, that FUCKING Australian accent! Yeah, I know who hell you are! You're that fucking construction worker!" The lookout shouted with venom laced in his voice.

Eights: "It seems like we're already making progress Mr. Garn," I replied with enthusiasm.

Terrorist: "Go to hell Dundee!" The terrorist shouted off-put by my attitude.

Eights: "Moving on, just about five hours prior, you were communicating with your superior over a possible assassination attack for a Senator staying at a hotel. Is that true?" I asked curiously.

Terrorist: "Oh, I don't know Smartass, are you sure you weren't listening to me? Because how could you know that I was talking to him while you were trailing behind me. Like, what the hell are you trying to be? A goddamn hero?" He sneered at me.

Eights: "Flip the switch."

Terrorist: "Switch? Wh-AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" The terrorist screamed in pain as electricity surged through his entire body from the cable that was clamped to the chair. The scout continued to spasm painfully in the foldable seat for a seconds before I raised a fist in the air; signaling the torture to stop.

Eights: "That's enough Teal," I said as Teal turned off the car battery upon my words.

The captured terrorist who was once being vulgar and hostile towards me was now slumped over-breathing slowly as smoke was rising from his back and into the air. Moments have passed as the terrorist scout let out a groan of pain from the excruciating electricity torture; his movement was less erratic than previously before, as the electrocuted man was twitching ever so slightly through heavy breaths of air.

Eights: "Can we cooperate right now, Mr. Garn?"

Terrorist: "G-go to hell," The terrorist whimpered in pain.

Eights: "Turn the switch on, this time double the voltage," I directed.

With an affirmative nod, Teal cranked the car battery as electricity violently rushed through the chair once again more vigorously than it did before with the terrorist shuddering uncontrollably and letting out a bloodcurdling scream of agony though no one could hear him when the warehouse was far away from the populated city. Raising my hand in a signal to stop the torture from potentially killing the captured terrorist, Teal unhooked the power attached to the car battery; as I shift my eyes back to our captive scout, he was looking more for worse after the second charge of electricity that was inflicted upon him.

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