Chapter 2: A Brave New World

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(Eights POV)


          Was all I saw before my vision turned into shades of darkness until it was all pitch black. Was this death? I thought. What happened to my Brothers? Did they die as well and face the same fate as I did? Was the mission a success or a failure? These were the many questions that I asked myself before I faded out of consciousness........................

           Suddenly the sound of rushing water became audible in my ear. Opening my eyes, I was blinded by a white bright light. Taking off my Duraplast Helmet, my vision became more clearer as the bright light was just a sun.

           'Sun?' I said in my head. Not before long I look around my surroundings only to be appalled as I saw that I was on the shores of an unknown area. Still Looking around myself I saw my DC-17m Blaster Rifle being splashed by the ocean waves. Picking my Blaster up, I inspected for any kind damage which fortunately was still able to function albeit covered in sand and water. After checking my Blaster, I tried to use my comlink to communicate the rest of my squad but was unable to since my communicator was partially wet due to the sea water. Knowing that my HUD in my helmet wasn't going to help either, since it was also partially soaked in the water. I let out a groan knowing that there was no way I could contact my Brothers before noticing that there was a large dense forest right behind me. 

             There was a probability that they were in the green forest or not but something was telling me that they were somewhere among the woodland. Putting on my Katarn Helmet and readied my DC-17m, I made my way into the forest. As I was traveling through the forest, I notice it wasn't massive like the forest in Kashyyyk or had large trees like the Moon of Endor but it at least had a ecosystem as I spotted a river while I was passing by and also saw a rabbit hopping away to somewhere. As I continued to walked through the woodland, I noticed a white figure out of shape from the rest of the forest scenery slumped against a tree, having a closer look I notice the orange markings before realizing who it was and ran towards him. 

              It didn't take long as I was right beside him. Taking off his helmet and letting it drop to the ground, I saw dried blood that coming from his shaven head before checking for his pulse by placing my two fingers on his neck which Patch fortunately had but was still unconscious. I decided to carry him due to the fact that he must of hit his head and waking him up and having Patch walk would be a burden to him. Grabbing my belongings and his as well, I walked for some more time before hearing someone curse before sounds of tumbling and falling with the bushes moving and shaking as someone was coming towards me. Taking a step back for precaution, I laid Patch on the ground as I armed myself with my DC-17m Blaster Rifle and aimed it at the general direction it was coming from. Not before long, the figure who was wearing a Katarn-Class Clone Armor with shades of light and dark green markings, landed face first onto the ground before groaning  and cursing in pain. 

Teal: " Ooowwwww. Ah, Son of a nerf herder." Teal cursed in pain as he got up, not noticing that I was in front of him as I was one step away from him by the side. 

Teal: " Now where was I? Oh right, searching for my brothers. Now where would they be? Are they dead? No, they're not dead they're missing or am I the one who's missing? No that's not right now but if they were missing where would they be?" Teal continued which made me decide to step in and to notify Teal that I was here but before I could do that, Patch beat me to it by his shouting. 

Patch: " Teal Can You Please Stop Talking!?! I'm Having Another Migraine By You Talking To Yourself Again." Patch angrily shouted as Teal nearly jumped at Patch's booming voice. Turning his head towards where the shout was coming from, he was surprised to find us right beside him. 

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