Chapter 4: Terror Rising

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(Eights POV)

???: " Trevor! Glad that you came for work, you're the man that I need right now," An enthusiastic voice called out Teal's false name. Turning my head around to the already familiar voice while working here, it belonged to Mr. Scott, or rather he liked to be called by his first name 'Jordan'. He was wearing a black shirt underneath his reflective safety vest and jeans that were covered in dust and paint of different colors. In his hand was a blue plastic board that had a single piece of paper clipped onto it.

Jordan: " What's with the look, Trevor? I need you for this job-Wait? Are You......Err what's your name again?"

Eights: " It's Ethan sir," I corrected him as Scott snapped his finger in remembrance.

Jordan: " Yes I remember now, you were the one that helped with the problem we were facing when we were first constructing the concrete pillars. You know for someone new to this construction work, you're pretty decent I might say," Scott complimented me.

Eights: " About the task you wanted Teal to perform," I replied straightfowardly.

Jordan: " Huh? Oh right I needed him to do this for me yeah Umm, do you know where Trevor is? Because I have no clue where he is?" Scott said while scratching his head.

Eights: " I last saw him with a group of construction workers after we went in our own separate ways," I answered sincerely.

Jordan: "We?" Mr. Scott said puzzled.

Eights: " My brothers sir," I replied.

Jordan: " Right Trevor, you and your other two brothers," Scott remembered again.

Eights: " You seem to forget a lot of things other than us sir," I said.

Jordan: " Well I do got other things to do then remembering people's names," Mr. Scott shrugged.

Just as I was about to reply to Jordan, a vibrating sound came from Scott's pocket. Reaching into his pants, Scott pulled out a black thin-rectangular communication device that was similar to a datapad but smaller and more different then any other technology the Republic has or even the Confederacy. After Jordan pulled out his device, his face wrinkled into an annoyed expression as he let out a sigh before looking at me.

Jordan: " Well Ethan I got a job just for you," Before giving me his plastic board.

Jordan: " I need you to do this for. Find Trevor and tell him I got a task for him at this exact spot," Mr. Scott pointed on the paper, looking more closely on the printed sheet it showed the layout of the construction site with red arrows drawn on the paper pointing towards a red circle.

Eights: " You want him to excavate this part?" I asked to which Mr. Scott shooked his head in disagreement.

Jordan: " He's going to do more then just 'excavate' that," He corrected before he tapped something on his phone.

Jordan: " I need to go now, got some other business that needs to be handled by me. Just make sure this gets to Trevor, okay?"

Eights: " Yes sir," I replied. 

Jordan: " Good, I'll be taking my lead now, see you later Ethan," Scott said as he went the opposite direction. Watching as Mr. Scott walked away, I then went on my way to finding Teal even though I have no knowledge of his whereabouts but I do know of someone that can lead me to him.

Walking through the construction site and passing other construction workers, I made my way towards a specific location that was known only to a very handful of construction workers on the building site; walking nearer to the location I passed by some of the bright yellow heavy equipment vehicles that were idle all in different areas. Never in my short life have I ever seen ground vehicles that uses wheels or tracks instead of repulsorlifts other than a AT-TE Walker (All Terrain Tactical Enforcer) or the IG-227 Hailfire Droid I last saw on on Geonosis. For a planet located far from the Galactic Republic or Outer-Rim Worlds, It was surprisingly both advanced and underdeveloped in different areas and around.

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