Chapter 3: Nightmares and a New Day

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(Eights POV)

???: " RC-1398 do you copy? Are you alright? What's your status?" A voice called to me.

RC-1398: " W-what?" I answered as I found myself laying down on an all too familiar red desert that I recognize immediately.

RC-1398: " Geonosis

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RC-1398: " Geonosis..." I gasped as I was surrounded by parts and scraps of various Battle Droids and craters with smoke coming out of them. In the distance, I could hear blaster fire and explosions that were happening in the frontline. Standing up, I looked around to see if this was real or not until the voice came back again.

???: " This is your Clone Advisor, RC-1398 do you copy, over?" The static voice said through my helmet.

RC-1398: " This is Eights, what's going on?" I asked the Vode who was communicating with me.

Clone Advisor: " Eights? RC-1398, what are you talking about? Are you okay? You're not concussed, are you? Either way, you're still alive. I thought that you were for sure dead after that explosive projectile landed right near you and exploded but it seems like it knocked you out. Although you're still alive, your vital signs are in no good shape to be able to complete the mission. There's a medical station near you're location to patch yourself up I'm transmitting the coordinations on your HUD but watch out for hostiles, this place is still hot with Geonosians and Battle Droids. Good Luck," The Vode said, just before he could cut off his transmission, I needed to ask him the question.

RC-1398: " Wait! Sir! What happened to Lex!" I asked through the com-link.

Clone Advisor: " Who?" He asked not recognizing the name of my brother.

RC-1398: " Er, RC-2527-11, He was just beside me when we were both deployed; what happened to him?" I asked waiting for an answer.

Clone Advisor: " You left him for dead so you could continue on with the mission," The Clone Advisor replied coldly.

RC-1398: " W-What?" I said not understanding what he meant.

???: " He's right, you did leave me for dead," A voice stated as I recognized the voice belonged to none other than Lex. Turning around, I was met with a slumped over figure wearing a dirty and bloody Katarn commando armor with a spike impaled through its torso.

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