Chapter 1: Storming the Vacillate(Revised)

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, 

far away...

                            Star Wars

        The War between the Republic and 

Separatist Confederacy had brought 

chaos to all planetary system like a


          With the Republic gaining 

the upper-hand within each battle, the

Separatist had developed a new secret weapon 

that could possibly wipe out the Galactic Republic.

           With this mysterious weapon 

having been known to be traveling within         

a Separatist Fleet of an unknown area in space,

the Grand Army of the Republic 

sent a Clone Commando Unit known as 

Nova Squad, to destroy this secret weapon

              by any means necessary.

   *Somewhere in the unknown region of the galaxy........*

   *21 BBY*

           In the farthest area of the deep end of space, left unexplored and untouched by war for millennia, a Separatist Munificent-Class Star Frigate named 'Vacillate' was traveling through this unknown territory with a deadly weapon that could ensure victory for the Separatist Alliance. 


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*Munificent Star Frigate Corridor Sector 5*

*Munificent Star Frigate Corridor Sector 5*

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