-𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢-

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Not me simping for BBH lol nope I would never hahahahah. Oh! And I know the egg didn't exist till wayyy later in the Dream SMP, but 🤷‍♀️.

~Y/n's POV~

Dawn broke through the lavender sky. A few birds that woke up early greeted the new day with pleased chirps, marking the start of a new day for everyone and everything that resided in the remote birch forest.

It also represented a new start for me.

I had once resided in Dream's Kingdom—though he ruled it like a dictator. After a few brave souls decided to depart from Dream's crushing grip, all hell broke loose. Suddenly, everyone was preparing for a "revolution."

Once the news finally reached my peaceful adobe nestled a few miles from the mainland of the Dream Kingdom, I felt an impending dread pool in my stomach. This, I had a feeling, was the start of something awful.

So I decided to flee.

It wasn't that easy to leave my beautiful quartz-and-spruce cabin. The same cabin that was helped by Dream himself.

As I tramped through the dew-sprinkled grass, I let my thoughts wander back to the masked man I once called my "friend."

And, perhaps, even a "crush."

How could I not absolutely adore the man? At first, he would always visit me in my cabin. He even replaced my original oak roof with quartz, as I had been griping at how "unfitting" the oak looked with the surrounding spruce forest. He wouldn't accept any pay.

"Please, Dream, I insist!" I whined, trying to convince him to take the few emeralds I owned from my hands.

He chuckled and put a scuffed-up hand on my shoulder. "Take it as a favor, Y/n; for being so good to me."

I gasped when I got a full view of his other hand. It was a stomach-turning sight, to be sure: his slender fingers were painted in white from the calloused skin. In some places, the sharp quartz had scratched his already-tender palms and stained them with crimson blood.

"Oh my—your hand!" I exclaimed, gesturing to his scarred palms.

He looked down at his hand and winced, retracting his other hand from my shoulder. "It's fine, really. It toughens up my skin, you know?" Dream asked, though his voice faltered. When he realized I wasn't convinced by his statement, he tried to give me a reassuring smile that ended up becoming scrunched and uncomfortable as I reached for his bloody palms.

As I inspected them, I scolded, "You really need to wear gloves while you do construction like that."

He looked at me with the innocence of a child that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. For being the most powerful man in the kingdom, he surely didn't look too menacing.. I immediately felt bad for my harsh tone and sighed, an idea brewing in my mind in the meantime.

"Dream, do you have a pair of gloves to wear?" I asked, slowly residing my hands to my sides.

"...No," he mumbled, sliding his smiling mask down a little more to cover his flushed cheeks.

A smile twitched at my lips at how bashful this man could get. "Well, how about I make you some gloves as return for redoing my roof?" I suggested, not sure if a pair of measly gloves would ever compare to the expensive, crystalline rock that was now my new roof.

Dream slid his mask up, his shamrock-green eyes lit up and almost lightened to the color of the emeralds in my hands at the proposal. "I didn't know you knew how to sew! Could you?"

~Smitten: Yandere! Dream SMP x Reader one shots~Where stories live. Discover now