-𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝙼𝚢 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚍 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 (𝙿𝚝. 𝟷)-

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(This beautiful work of art I haven't seen in years came across my YouTube feed the other day and I wanted to rest of you guys to experience it. It's so iconic)

I know a Wilbur Soot one shot was highly requested! And, after months of Wattpad deleting this one shot for whatever reason, its first part is finally done. (Only a little over 8,500 words) 

From what started as a discussion with a friend about how funny it would be if Gogy offered C! Tommy shrooms turned into probably the angstiest story I have started to write yet. That is a warning within itself.

TW: Not much in this one. Mentions of child neglect/abuse and Tommy abuse.

Requested by @bluebells-com

Artwork by @milkuybuns on Twitter 

~Wilbur's POV~

With a bored yawn, I took another uninterested glance out of my carriage window. The dreaded visit to the Dream Kingdom would have been much more interesting if I had someone to talk to.

"Will, are we there yet?"

Let me rephrase my previous statement: I wish I had someone my age to talk to.

My eye twitched in annoyance and exhaustion. It had been three hours in the stupid carriage with Tommy—my younger brother and Prince of L'Manburg—with no stops. My legs had gone stiff and tight: a sign they needed to be thoroughly stretched out. Aside from the persistent cramps, we hadn't had a chance to eat lunch or dinner due to our coachman, (What was his name again? Jack Manifesto? Something like that.) beginning late.

I glared at Tommy, who was impatiently swinging his legs up and down. The only reason he was even on that trip was that I couldn't stand his constant begging. Although I loved my younger brother dearly, he was still a nine-year-old kid who wasn't mature in the slightest. (Maybe knowledgeable about conflict due to the recent whole revolutionary war, but that only made him more hot-headed than he already was.)

"Tommy, don't make me regret bringing you along. I'm starting to think I should have left you with your nanny," I warned, battling back the smirk trying to writhe its way onto my lips as a response to Tommy's outraged face.

"I do not need a nanny, Wilbur. I'm almost ten! Double digits!" Tommy frantically shouted back, holding up his ten fingers to illustrate his point. When he saw my unamused look, he crossed his arms and turned his body towards the carriage window and away from me. His childish manner made me roll my eyes, hating how immature the kid could be.

The carriage rolled to a stop by the gates of the palace. A guard came down to inspect us. I tapped my foot impatiently as I showed the guard our identities and stated our business. Like usual, the guard profusely apologized for questioning the "King of L'Manberg'' and hurriedly opened the gate.

Of course, only the low-tier guards would react as such. Any higher-up would turn up their noses and mock my presence. Although I had led and won my own revolution and defeated Dream, he and his court had little to no respect for "a ragtag boy wanting to play leader," as they would say.

I protectively wrapped an arm around Tommy's shoulder and whispered, "Make sure to never remove your mask, okay? And don't make eye contact with any of the court; not even the king."

The blonde troublemaker nodded, and I handed him a Greek theater mask. He pressed it to his face, and I tied the back for him, making sure it was double knotted. The king required everyone to wear a Greek mask, as it was a sign of wealth and status. Those who were rich and privileged frolicked around court, while the peasants could only stand at the foot of the gate, knowing they could never have an audience with the king and discuss the issues among the poor folk due to their "insignificance."

~Smitten: Yandere! Dream SMP x Reader one shots~Where stories live. Discover now