-𝙱𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚙 𝙱𝚘𝚗𝚞𝚜: 𝙿𝚝. 𝟹 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚕-

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*Cocks water gun* Uh oh, looks like someone didn't hydrate today. You better go filter your kidneys out with some H2O before I do it for you.

Oh, and if you're interested, here's the rough synopsis I wrote for "Business Trip" a little bit before I wrote it:

Yan! Schlatt Idea

X is visiting Manberg as a rep for Pogtopia on behalf of negotiating peace for a week. Schlatt lets X stay in the main building, reluctant of her at first, but slowly falls in love with her. He decides to give X an offer: Wilbur and Tommy could come back to Manburg, but X has to stay with him and become his empress. X, pretty much being forced, says "yes" and is allowed to return to Pogtopia to deliver the news. Unkown to her, Schlatt and his army follow her and, after telling the bewildered Wilbur, Tommy, and Techno, J and his goons jumped them, kills the boys (aside from Techno) and declares he would never give them their freedom. (Something about getting in the way/"taking" her) 

Yeah, "Business Trip" was supposed to be quite a bit different and, overall, blander. But that's what all stories start out as: vague concepts. 

Artist: @cainterrnon on Instagram 

TW: Slight sexual indewindows (not involving the reader), Manipulation, graphic descriptions of body deterioration, mentions of cannibalism, forced marriage, death, abandonment, the usual.

Well, I won't keep you guys waiting any longer. Please, enjoy the conclusion to this tale!

~Technoblade's POV~ 

I stood from afar, watching my home burn. A few discarded scraps of our possessions remained; all torn and almost unrecognizable. My hardened gaze kept slipping back to my half-melted crown that lay deformed and ash-ridden in the blackened grass. 

It was fitting, as didn't feel like king, but like a fool. 

I had escaped, leaving a wailing Tommy clutching to Wilbur to conceal his tears. Every time he had to be brave, every time he went through anguish, would be vaporized by the prodigious flames that stood taller than any man.  Wilbur, who was concealing his own dread, only held Tommy while singing a soft tune. The roar of the flames and panic masked whatever notes he had hummed, however. 

"Get out!" I had screamed, desperately searching for any path within the flames to the surface. "If we make it to the armor room, we can find some fire resistance potions! It's your only chance!"

But Wilbur, who had been so desperate to survive when manning his own rebellion, only sang louder. 

We could had found a way out. I could had used my fire resistance to shield them from the fervent firestorm. I wanted them to escape, to seek revenge against who dared to sabotage Pogtopia. 

The flames were inches away from our trio. Without making eye contact, Wilbur handed me a crinkled, slightly singed note. Saving it from the flames, I ripped it from his shaking fingers that slowly regained their grip on Tommy's shoulders. I only stuffed it in my slacks pocket, not caring about the content at that moment. 

"Stop being selfish, Wilbur!" I had yelled with more determination. "You and Tommy will die if you stay here any longer! Let's go!" 

Familiar voices took advantage of my overwhelmed and terrified mind, slipping in their own words of advice, "You can't save them, Blade. They have already accepted defeat. Leave them"

By now, his song was ringing throughout the ravine, now audible. With shaky, clear notes, he sang: 

"Pogtopia's burning, Pogtopia's burning,

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