-𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜: 𝚃𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚘𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚎-

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Blood God short stories are all
here. :o

(Although I'm working on the Wilbur x reader, I realize how long I've gone without uploading lol😳Enjoy!)

Art by u/MeowsandRobots on Reddit


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ -Protect- ♥

TW: Gore, mentions of cannibalism, war

~Techno's POV~

Adjusting the hog skull that I had fashioned into a mask around my eyes, I gave a withering glare to my opponent only a few feet away from me.

Red blood had already stained the once-pure snow on the battlefield. The metallic scent only fueled my animalistic instincts. Every breath I took in made my companioning voices grow louder with cries of blood lust. No inch of my body was resisting the demands.

I had been sober of this habit for so long. I thought I was finally starting to resist the greedy whispers in my head that demanded blood 24/7. Those sacrilegious thoughts that tore my identity between a human and a monster.

I swiftly dipped the head of my arrow into one of my bubbling potions: more specifically the poison. Because the whole instigator of this fight was a raid set on my house with the goal to finally make me meet my demise, I had no time to prepare any weapons. After blindly fishing around in my chests, I was able to grab a few potions, arrows, and my enchanted crossbow before booking to meet my unexpected guest.

As I carefully loaded the crossbow, I made a cautious note to not put the poisonous tip anywhere near my face. The chemicals were so strong it could sizzle the hair right off your eyebrows if it got too close. Normal poison usually consisted of an extremely expensive powder obtained from glow stones from the depths of hell itself: the Neather. In fact, it was so pricey and rare that usually only the bravest and wealthiest of warriors who had the guts to brave the boiling and dangerous land would only manage to bring back maybe a scoop-full.

Being raised in the Neather as a child among the Piglins and Ghast meant that getting glow stone powder was anything but a challenge. But only simpletons would stop at a little powder. To make my poison extra...'special,' all I had to do was put a couple drops of Wither's blood in the mixture. The thick but sensitive liquid was so deadly to the average human that it ate away at the flesh, tissue and nerves in a matter of seconds, leaving it to infect the exposed muscles and slowly but excruciatingly dissolved the muscles till you could see the white bone beneath.

My victim looked petrified, but kept a relaxed stance as they shakily readied their simple bow in my direction. Even though I had nothing but my royalty-esq cloak to protect me, my thicker-than-normal skin would cause the arrow to feel like a little scratch.

I aimed between their eyes and let my finger naturally creep towards the trigger. Out of all the deaths I had caused and witnessed that day, this was certain to be the most entertaining one that would guarantee to drive the voices wild.

I let the killer instinct takeover my mind and take over any remorse. I gave my victim one cold stare and then let my finger pull the—


I redirected my arrow at the voice, a new wave of viciousness overwhelmed me. The smell of my spared victim's blood was so tantalizing and sweet, but the adrenaline-filled, pumping blood of the ax-wielding, black haired man that was now in front of me was much more appealing.

The voices protested my halt, but I assured them that good things come to those who wait. My eyes reflected the blood-stained snow below as I growled, "What's the issue, fearless leader of the Butcher Army, Quackity?" I mocked, watching the shorter man try to mask his terror.

~Smitten: Yandere! Dream SMP x Reader one shots~Where stories live. Discover now