Confusing encounters

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It was Friday again today. A week has passed since Wendy met Irene and for some reason, the younger one is not able to take that image out of her head. The image of Irene running away from her. Feeling very anxious about this, Wendy stood up, wearing a thick coat as usual. She wore her sneakers and put some money in her pockets before going inside the living room.

"Where you off to?," Joy asked from the sofa when she saw her friend rushing to the main door.

Wendy froze in her steps and turned around nervously to answer her friend. Of course she can't say that she's going outside for a walk at 12 midnight. That was very unlike her.

"Going to buy some tissues," Wendy replied before rushing out of the villa. She could see Joy ready to ask more questions but before that could happen, Wendy was already on her way to the 24 seven mart.

She exhaled deeply as she walked slowly on the left side of the street. She could hear absolutely nothing in the neighbourhood which made her nervous as well as relaxed.

She looked up as she saw the mart just a few feet ahead of her. Entering the mart, she made her way to the right end corner of the sanitary section and picked up some soft wet hand tissues. She lingered around the mart for a second before sighing in disappointment and going to the billing counter. After paying, she went outside the mart with a sad face, looking around for a few minutes.

"Guess I won't bump into her again," Wendy mumbled to herself before starting to walk back.

As she was walking back and reached her villa, she suddenly remembered that they were out of liquid soap as well. Not being able to resist to buy such an important cleaning product, Wendy turned around again, walking to the mart once more.

As she had already shrugged off the feeling of meet Irene, she walked casually towards the mart. When she was almost in, she heard the sound of something hard dropping on the floor.

When she looked at her left side, she saw a phone lying on the ground and a woman turning around the block. With the speed of lightening, Wendy picked up the phone as she sprinted after the woman.

"Miss! You dropped your phone!!," Wendy shouted as she turned around the block.

To her surprise, a familiar woman turned around, revealing her perfect face and body. Wendy gulped seeing Irene's usual exposed self and got her gaze down on the ground.

"Oh..," Irene replied, a little surprised as well. She reached out and took her phone, putting it in her small purse.

"Thanks," Irene said as she turned around, walking on her way.

Wendy who felt a little upset about being treated like a stranger sighed in disappointment and turned around as well. She went straight back to her villa, not remembering to buy the liquid soap. She took a bath before lying down on her bed and sank her face inside the pillow. She wondered why Irene was so damn mysterious. Why she behaved so sweet in some moments and so cold in the others. Why she didn't even bother smiling or saying hi to her when they just met. She wondered why she was being ignored.

Feeling to annoyed and worried about these questions which were invading her mind and sleep, Wendy sat up. She wore her slippers and went to the other side of the hall to their friends room. She knocked twice before going in and saw the couple cuddling together while watching a movie.

"Hey you're not asleep yet?," Seulgi asked in a surprised tone as they both sat a little up on the bed.

Wendy was an early sleeper. She usually slept by 11 pm. The shorter girl sat on the edge of the bed as she pouted cutely.

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