A glimpse of the past

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Ever since Irene had broken Jennie's wrist, Wendy had not seen her in college even once. She was in fact too happy about it. It's been a week since Wendy had told Irene about her plan to get the latter out of the club and they had been going on fine.

For the first time, Irene felt like she truly loved someone. That someone loved her genuinely and would go to drastic lengths for her. And the truth was that even though Irene still shows Wendy her cold side often, she was too soft from inside for the younger girl. Her lips curled up automatically whenever Wendy was around. It was like the younger girl had put a spell over her. At first, Irene hated it.. but slowly, she's starting to get addicted to it. She's trying to accept this giddy and scary feeling in her heart and stomach whenever she kisses Wendy or whenever they're close to each other. It was amusing to her how just a kiss or a hug from the younger girl was sufficient to make her happy and make up for the hard days she goes through.

Not only this, whenever she fucked someone, the only person in her mind was Wendy. How the younger girl would feel like beneath her.. how Wendy would moan and look at her with her lustful eyes. It was safe to say that the stripper was falling in love with a girl she would least expect herself to.

And Wendy? As days passed by she found herself getting attached to Irene like she has with no one before. Not even Joy and Seulgi. She knew that she loved Irene a lot and she had new goals now. The first being to get her girlfriend out of the club, the second being to help Irene to settle down somewhere, the third being graduate from college and find a job so she can earn on her own.

It was just a regular Thursday and Wendy was walking to Irene's place. It was around 10 pm and she knew that her girlfriend got free from her work early on Thursdays as her client left her by 10. This was because her client was married and needed to be home by 10 to her wife and children.

It will be false if Wendy says that she is totally fine with this. Still, she never says this to Irene because she knows that Irene is doing this just for money.

When Wendy reached her girlfriend's apartment, she ringed the bell and waited with her hands in her jeans pocket. She had forgotten to wear her overcoat and she was freezing.

When Irene opened up, Wendy smiled as she leaned in to place a peck over her girlfriend's cheek.

"Are you cold?," Irene asked as she frowned seeing the shorter girl's slightly clattering teeth and shaky body.

"I-I forgot m-my coat," Wendy said in shivers as she went inside, letting the older woman to close and lock the door.

"Geez you kid," Irene said a little scoldingly as Wendy hugged her from the side for some heat.

"Warm me up Hyunnie," Wendy demanded as she snuggled into her girlfriend's beige sweater.

Irene just smiled slightly and rubbed the hamster's back with a strong friction and force for some warmth.

When Wendy's body temperature was warm and better, she pulled back with a goofy grin. But her smile soon disappeared when she saw Irene's blank face with a fake smile she immediately detected.

"What's wrong?," Wendy asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing.. why?," Irene answered almost immediately. She turned away, walking to the kitchen as she took out two mugs to make hot chocolate.

"Tell me," Wendy asked, leaning against the counter as she kept a bag of food beside the mugs.

"It's nothing, you think too much," Irene said in a smile as she poked her girlfriend's cheek.

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