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A few days have passed since Wendy has confessed to Irene. They've met twice since that magical Sunday and every time they have, they were beyond happy. At least Wendy was. Irene however was confused. She is still compressing whatever she is feeling for the younger girl. She can't seem to accept and sort the complex feelings in her heart.

Today was Wednesday and Wendy was in class with Joy on her side. Even though the lecture was going on, the younger girl was lost in her own thoughts. Today was Wednesday and that meant that she gets to meet Irene.

What should we do today?

Wendy wondered with a smile on her face.

"Yah what are you thinking?," Joy asked as she poked her shorter friend's cheek.

Wendy flinched and looked sideways at her best friend who was smirking. She knew that her best friends were too smart to figure her out. Still, she wasn't ready to tell them about her and Irene. Until it's official.

"Nothing..," Wendy said, looking downwards at her notebook.

Should we go to watch a movie?

Wendy thought but immediately jerked off the idea as movie halls freak her out.

While she was still thinking of a good plan, the professor left and the students started to leave.

"Yah Irene," Joy said suddenly.

Wendy who was looking down at her book looked up in a millisecond, scanning her surroundings for the stripper but didn't find her.

"So you were thinking of her..," Joy smirked as she ruffled her friend's hair playfully.

"W-What do you mean?," Wendy turned red as she stood up to look at her friend.

"I've been calling you since minutes now," Joy stated as she stood up and put her stuff in her bag.

Wendy just gulped and hung her bag, making her way out of the class. The damage was already done and there's nothing she can do to repair it.

"Yah wait!," Joy said when she saw her friend going towards the door.

But before Wendy could leave, she was pushed back inside the empty classroom. The stumbling girl regained her balance as she looked up to see Jennie and Lisa closing the door.

"What the hell?," Joy said furiously as she rushed towards her best friend.

"Yes exactly. What the hell," Jennie said.

Wendy who was a nervous wreck from inside wondered what she should do. Jennie knew things about her which aren't true but seems true. Joy knew nothing about what was going to happen.

"I thought you would come to your senses but it turns out our grudge is deeper than I thought," Jennie said looking right into Wendy's eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?," Joy asked annoyed at the scene.

"I am.. trying to get some facts ingrained in this slut here," Jennie stated with her intimidating cat like eyes.

"Yah watch your mouth!," Joy furiously said, holding Wendy by her waist.

"Tell her if it isn't true..," Jennie said, her lips curling up in a devilish smirk.

Wendy who was fisting her palms tightly was turning red in anger and nervousness. She knew Joy didn't know anything. She also knew Jennie was a bitch who would go to any levels to humiliate her.

"Why? Ashamed now? You have taken away Irene from me.. and oh baby I'll make you regret it. The war is.. on," Jennie said as she came forward, taking out a marker as she scribbled on Wendy's face within seconds.

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