We both are broken

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"Jennie Kim!," Irene shouted, almost moving the earth with her more than furious voice.

When Jennie saw Irene glaring at her with wide eyes and tightly fisted hands, her expression changed.

"Unnie she's using you! Just to fucking get to me.. I want my slot back from this ass," Jennie said, first looking at Irene and then looking at Wendy who was struggling on the ground.

"B-Blood..," Wendy mumbled looking at her scraped palms and knees which were slightly bleeding and had some dirt.

"Go away.. just go away before I lose it," Irene said, her body shaking in anger. She was literally done with Jennie and would do anything to shoo her away.

"I won't until I teach this bit—," Jennie stated as she lunged at Wendy who was still on the ground.

Irene immediately came between the two girls, pushing Jennie away from touching her friend on the ground.

"I am calling security if you don't go away right this instant," Irene declared, looking behind at the club.

Jennie scoffed in annoyance when she saw the guards outside the club looking at them. She weighted her options and concluded that it's best to bot create a huge scene.

"How can you take her side? She's a nobody.. a hideous dirty nerd to be exact," Jennie said as her gaze softened looking at the stripper.

"Don't get on my nerves now.. it's better you just go," Irene said as her sight finally went to Wendy who had tears pooled in her eyes while looking at her palms and knees.

"Are you really... choosing her over me? Are you serious?," Jennie asked as her anger was washed away by jealousy and humiliation. And oh boy, Jennie didn't handle humiliation well.

Irene just sighed and bent down, as she examined the injured girl. When she saw Wendy softly sobbing, she wondered what was wrong.

"Yes, now go please," Irene stated without looking at Jennie.

This is not over.

Jennie thought before groaning and turning away to leave.

Irene who was relieved that Jennie went held Wendy's hands in hers to look at the scratches.

"Are you okay? Geez that girl.. is it hurting too much?," Irene asked worriedly, her eyebrows knitted together.

When Irene felt Wendy's hands and body trembling, she looked at the latter's face and saw that her eyes were shut with the eyebrows furrowed together. Her face was flushed deep red as tears were rolling down her eyes.

"Hey.. what's wrong? Are you okay?," Irene asked in panic as she got her hands to Wendy's face, wiping the tears.

"S-Stay away.. g-go away..," Wendy shivered, getting her arms to her chest to protect herself.

Irene who was shocked to hear the sudden sobs and statement panicked completely. She could see that Wendy was terrified of something which wasn't even there.

"Seungwan? Look at me hey.. here," Irene said as she patted the younger girl's cheeks repeatedly.

Wendy who was still trying to push away Irene weakly opened her eyes slightly.

"It's me Irene.. look at me," Irene said loudly, cupping the younger one's face forcefully.

"I-Irene unnie?," Wendy gasped as her eyes continued to pour down tears.

"Yes! Yes.. it's me," Irene nodded firmly as she wiped off the tears with her thumbs.

"T-They.. came.. they came," Wendy said as she looked down at her knees and hands.

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