Chapter 29

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Eventually the day finally came where they finished their book and turned it in the day it was due.

Some pairs hadn't turned anything in- had getting nothing done with the pair they got from Dazai.

It was sort of sad.

Ranpo was sure he and Poe would be the ones entered in the contest, he had no doubt in his mind.

He was after all on the team. And well- Poe wasn't that bad

(Ranpo- I'm better <3)

"Alright class, I'll tell you who got the highest score in two days and then I'll be entering it into the contest. After that it should take about a week to get the results on if you won or not." Kunikida says to the class- which buzzed with slight excitement.

One of the students had the chance of getting published after all-

Poe pet Karl- who sat in his lap as he zoned out slightly.

Ranpo was asleep on his desk- bored as they were free to whatever the rest of the period.

Poe looks over to Ranpo, feeling his chest ache slightly.

He knew Ranpo said they were friends...but sense this project was over- would that mean they would hang out less?

He wouldn't know what he would do now if he had suddenly lost Ranpos presence.

"Stop staring" Ranpos voice brings Poe back to reality- his thoughts scattering as he looks to the boy.

"I wasn't-"

"Doesn't matter. What's on your mind?" Ranpo asks, sensing something was up as he reached in his pocket for a snack.

"I's nothing" Poe says as his shoulders slumps and he looks away for a moment before looking back.

Karl looked up at his owner before back to Ranpo- man if this raccoon could talk.

Ranpo raises a brow- knowing it was indeed not "nothing" as he frowns.

"Just tell me" Ranpo urges, a bit upset Poe wasn't telling him so he could help in some way.

(He cAres <3
I'm really sorry if this seems ooc for either of them-)

"It's just- now that the projects over does that mean we will hang out less?" Poe mutters worriedly as he looks down.

"Well yeah- probably" Ranpo confirms before he looks at Poe- seeing hurt flash across his eyes.

Ranpos eyes widen as he sits up correctly before resting a hand on Poes shoulder- causing Poe to look over to him.

Ranpo felt slightly guilty for saying that- and half way meaning it.

He shakes his head before he wraps his arms around Poes shoulders.

"You're a idiot, don't look so hurt. I just meant that we probably wouldn't hang out every single day like we have been, but we still will a lot" Ranpo mutters with a huff. Man Poe was an idiot....

(A cute one, a very cute one)

Poe smiles slightly- wrapping his arms around Ranpos waist.

Karl gets out of Poes lap and goes onto the his owner was gay.

They stay like that for a moment before Ranpo pulls back as the bell rings.

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