Blade 17: The Aftermath (Epilogue)

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After the battle which resulted in God's victory, Apollo alongside Artemis and the other Olympians saw that Shirou was slowly dying of the after-effects of being forcefully adopted by Nemesis...

The connection is lost but the blood remains, though fortunately due to Muramasa's blade it is dormant and not active, which allowed the Gods to heal Shirou.

Artemis was ecstatic and proud seeing her son after all these years, after forgetting him, he would still help others, even if it meant risking his life...

The Olympians felt guilty and were going to give out rewards which more or less resulted in some of the seven becoming Minor Gods, while Annabeth and Percy stayed mortal, though Percy wanted wishes which they allowed, what was most shocking to them is that he suggested to take down the Ancient law that forbade them from interacting with their children!

Both the Major and Minor were shocked by this suggestion and discussed this amongst themselves, though they soon smiled at each other before smiling back to Poseidon's Demigod son and nodding...

They then managed to lift the Ancient Law with everyone rejoicing as The Gods were now allowed to interact with their children and the Demigods are able to be with their parents!

Everyone rejoiced, whilst Artemis cried a bit, remembering that she couldn't celebrate with Shirou...

As everyone celebrated, a sudden gust of wind and the loud sound of the doors to Olympus being opened showed everyone a dramatic entrance as Apollo was helping Shirou walk to the room.

The Major Olympians looked a bit guilty as they stared at the ground in shame, as Artemis's tears of sadness became tears of joy...

Artoria, Muramasa, and King Hassan stood beside their respective Olympian, though as Artemis ran to Shirou, so did Artoria as the two then hugged the recovering boy..!

Shirou managed to walk to the Olympian Council members while leaning on crutches...

Shirou: "I remember everything, I know what you've done to me..."

Shirou: "Mom told me that Muramasa tried to give the potion, though fortunately it was administered in the wrong way, so the initial permanent effects became temporary."

Shirou: "You trained me, you blessed me..."

Shirou: "I've helped you all on multiple occasions."

Shirou: "But you've repaid me by abandoning me completely, making moments where I question if you really do care about your children."

Shirou: "I'm grateful that you've saved me from my cruel fate, being controlled and manipulated repeatedly..."

He said causing the Olympians to feel even more guilty by the second.

Shirou: "But I forgive you."

He said with a sincere face which shocked the Olympians with widened eyes and surprised faces...

Shirou: "You've saved me from my fate as a puppet from both Nemesis and Gaia, plus You'v returned the family that I had once lost, the family that was once separated being united and now reinforced with the deletion of the law."

Shirou: "Despite everything that happened, I will always forgive you all..."

Athena: "But why..?"

Shirou: "Because that's what family is, isn't it...?"

Shirou: "We accept each other at our worst and celebrate with each other with our best..."

Shirou: "When we're down, we will always have each other to stand back up with..."

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