〖 Chapter 6. 〗

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'What a smart but weird mouse...'

"What I want to propose is..." The Mouse paused before continuing his talk.

"Will you, demon slayers work together with us to save all the children from the farms?"

Y/n's P.O.V.

'This mouse knows how to silence people, really...' I thought silently.

"Well..." Oyakata-sama paused for a minute and continued. "What do you think Y/n-san?"

'Oyakata-sama is asking me a question??' I thought surprised.

"I think it's a great opportunity. I'm sure we can't save them alone so with the help of heroes we can do so much more. I think we should give it a chance." I answered.

"If Y/n agrees, I'll agree as well." Muichiro replied.

"I will join as well!"

Soon all the Hashira's agreed with my statement and it became clear.

Together we would save the orphans.

"Now, the question is... Who's leading the mission?" Nezu continued to ask as he drank some of his tea.

Oyakata-sama raised his hand and proceeded to talk.

"In my opinion, Y/n-san would be the best choice."



"Before we start an argument... Could you please explain your statement Ubuyashiki-san?"

"Of course... I know Y/n-san isn't an adult yet, but she's a great strategist and thinker. She's also aware of all the dangers in the Demon World. She's a Hashira, one of the strongest Demon Slayers and a very skilled swordsman. She has saved many people and I'm sure she could defeat all of you easily." Oyakata-sama stated and smiled softly towards me.

'H-he's praising me in front of everyone...' I looked down in embarrassment and avoided eye contact.

"This kid can defeat all of us..?" A cement block man asked dumbfounded.

"There's no way..." A man with a weird hat said.

"I believe if Ubuyashiki says it, I should agree with him." The Mouse said with a smile. "I'll also ask the hero courses to join the mission, it will be a great opportunity for them to learn things."

"Well done, let's take a break now..." The black haired man said and sight, as he walked over to the door.

As he opened the door a pile of people fell into the room.

"Are the -sensei, w-we can explain-" A yellow haired boy with a black streak.

"C-Conny and Jonathan w-wanted to see Y/n-" a pink haired girl continued.

"And that's why we're here."

'That black haired guy looks like soy sauce to me...'

"Y/NNNNNNN!" Conny, Jonathan and some other girl came running inside.

"What?" I asked as they dragged me from my chair.

"Leave my sister alone." Muichiro glared deathly at the kids.

"UWAAHH! HE'S SCARY!" One of them screamed.

"Please don't scream..." The yellow haired Pro Hero said.

𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕣〖 Completed 〗Where stories live. Discover now