〖 Chapter 11. 〗

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Third P.O.V.

"Do you regret the decision you have made?" Lucas questioned Y/n and gave her some fruit. (Do they have fruit??)

"Not at all I guess... I mean, I do save hundreds of children from getting consumed by demons... However, the price I have to pay might be a lot... Even though I don't actually remember what it is." Y/n answered and took a bite out of her apple.

"I would never be this heroic as you are, especially as an 11 year old..." He said in reply.

"Actually, if I'm honest. I probably wouldn't have too, if I wasn't a demon slayer. But I am, I can't go back, can't undo. It's permanent." Y/n sighed and closed her eyes and tried to remember what the deal actually was.

'It was in exchange for a long time not seeing my loved ones... Right?' She thought to herself as she tried to remember the full promise she made.

"Well, I'm grateful that you did all of this for all the cattle children, orphans... You're a real hero."

"I'm a demon slayer-"


"This is all my fault... If I just listened to Y/n and Tanjiro..." Emma muttered sadly as she watched the dual hair colored girl sleeping.

"It's all our fault, we should've listened to them..." Ray sighed and looked down as he was ashamed of himself that he didn't listen to the girl.

"But what do we do now? Norman and Y/n are both getting eaten and we can't do anything to stop it." Emma was frustrated that her best friend was getting shipped out along with her friend that helped her so much with an escape plan.

"Well, I'm sure Y/n-" Norman was interrupted by Ray before he got the chance to reply.

"We can't keep relying on Y/n. She has broken both her legs because of our stupid action. Not to mention that she also has a head injury." Ray said coldly.

"B-but what can we do else?" Emma asked desperately.

"Guys... I think Y/n is waking up." Norman whispered as he watched the dual hair colored girl slowly opening her eyes.

Y/n was indeed waking up, but she wasn't paying attention to anything because she was groaning in annoyance.

"I should've never even brought them in the first place." Y/n muttered and sighed as she was being disappointed at the 7 U.A. Students.

"Ehh...Are you alright Y/n??" Emma asked worriedly as she heard the girl muttering words.

"No, I'm disappointed how some people can't follow my orders... I mean, it was so simple. I'm really disappointed in them. Also, my head hurts like hell and I can barely feel my legs except the pain." Y/n replied and carefully sat up.

"What were you even thinking?? You got caught and you and Norman are being shipped out!" Ray scolded her angrily.

"What were you three thinking?? I told you to not go to the wall, it's dangerous! There's a fucking cliff you know?!" Y/n slightly shouted back in annoyance.

"A-a cliff..?"

"Yeah, the only way to cross over it is either way that house with the gate, or jumping from a tree into the wall which probably no one can do here!"

"I've never said why because you wouldn't believe it anyway, I was figuring this problem out on my own so everyone could cross it." Y/n explained as she sighed heavily.

𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕚𝕣 𝕤𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕣〖 Completed 〗Where stories live. Discover now