Chapter 6- ambition

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A/N- hey you guys I'm so sorry that I've been distant lately I had not a clue where I wanted to go with my story and things have been a little difficult lately. I'm glad I could get back to writing I missed it a lot and I missed you guys, I'm also proud to announce I hit 1.08k reads with my story yesterday and I just wanted to thank you a lot. Without further ado, please enjoy the story thanks for listening 💜

I had to come back to the story it's a couple weeks later and I'm now at 1.68k can you believe it! Thank you all for your support and I may start writing my poems on here so if your reading this please let me know what you thinking, wether I should or not💜

You wanted so badly to get out of this desolate place where the only light was Wilhemina, strict as she could be and you knew that, she was your only true saving grace. This hell hole would be so much worse without her and you knew it so badly that the part of you just wanted all of this to be over so you could take her away and live the way that you used to but this time with her. It wasn't the first time you felt this desperation and you thought that it made sense because of the circumstances, you know end of world and all that. This particular feeling though was about her. The ambition you felt to just leave with her filled your body to the rim with fear that you never would but hope because your love for her made you happy for once in your life.

You looked over to her still sleeping so silently. Even sleeping she looks stiff like an icicle but just like an icicle she is beautiful and fragile when the light touches her everything else glistens silently but rhythmically at the same time. You love that about her, cold as she is beauty overrides and beams in every direction.

Her eyes started to flutter awake and you almost dreaded it because she is so peaceful when she sleeps, but oh to be sat in her company again. "Good morning Mina" you said softly to not startle her. A smile formed on her face that you saw so discreet but so obvious to you. How you loved her smile. "Good morning lovely" she spoke with her clam morning voice but slightly raspy from the shouting in her dreams. You smiled back straight away and nuzzled into her neck again before you had to get up savouring every moment that you had until the end of the day, or lunch if your lucky that she doesn't have other things to attend to but that rarely ever happens.

Mina needed to get up now it's so far from breakfast but being with her made time go faster. You hated it when time went faster. Just another day when food becomes more of a problem and the outside world deteriorated just a little more putting all life on the brink of extinction. "Come on my love we have to get up" she says smoothly as to not irritate you but you couldn't help but frown uncontrollably as she sung the words into your ear. It rang in your head a few times before you clawed your way to the side of your bed and wondered why Mina wasn't getting up. As you looked over Mina tried to grab the bed post but flinched in pain unsurprisingly she'd been so stressed lately and you could only know it because she'd been come to you looking more skeletal than ever after work. It was getting to her and you knew it, but as you learned, never try and talk Wilhemina out of taking a day off of work, she'll probably chain you to the bed (not that way) to stop you from stopping her going to work. She's needy like that. And your the only one who knew it.

You walked gradually over to her side of the king sized bed and Carefully you asked "Mina, do you need help?". She looked at you eyes narrowed as she scanned the quietness of your voice but also the confidence that seemed to be laying underneath. She can tell someone's intentions instantly which is something you quickly came to learn about her as she could read you like a book. She saw your genuine smile which was small but to her oh so clear so she reached out her hand to connect it with yours. You instantly returned the gesture and meant to pull her up softly so you didn't hurt her back.

It's funny with Mina. She is particularly cautious of her back but on days like this she will not let you see or touch it in the slightest however on most days she is fine. You need to remind her daily that she is beautiful and she believes you to an extent but when it comes to her back she would never take your word for it. This is why when your hand swept her a little too low for her liking she snapped "CAREFUL!" She yelled at you as she did all others forgetting your fragility right now. You knew she didn't mean to hurt you, in fact this was just how she protected herself from things like people and her disability. So when she looked at you sorry as can be you pecked a kiss into her check and smiled. "Don't say sorry for being in pain, let it out before it's too late" you chuckled as this was often a line you heard from Mina but she is incredibly awful at taking her own advice. From what you know anyway.

You gave her a hug hands low on her back away from her problem she desperately hates. "You do love me Mina don't you?" You ask sounding not as confident as before perhaps even weak minded, "ofcourse I love you (Y/N)? Why are you asking me this?" She question more authoritative than before as though she demanded an answer from you. "I don't know I just- I love you a lot you know, sometimes I want to take you from this place, so far away that if we looked back we couldn't see it for a thousand miles. And I wanted to know, could you possibly feel the same way?" You said quietly with a small read trickling down your neck and pooling on your chest where she wiped it away with a fingertip softer than cotton. "If there was anything I would want it's the world it is to be with you and only you. I love you eternally (Y/N). You may have issues but so do I, we work through this together. And always will be together." She says planting kisses on your forehead and hugging you tighter than before pulling you into her fiery hair where her neck was warm and comforting. As you pulled away you grabbed her cane and new dress and she got changed upon the instant disregarding any distraction including you which you almost loved because you could watch her concentrating from a perspective you would never see if she payed attention to your presence. She tapped towards the door cane softer than ever. You walked over to her and gave her one small last kiss to leave her
with for the day until the night to come.

Today you weren't feeling as bright. Something just felt off, it felt dark. Today was going to be interesting and you knew it...

Wilhemina venable- never felt  (𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now