Chapter 14- you too?

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Waking up for the upcoming day finally settled into your new job now having been there for a few weeks. Though as you opened your eyes you noticed the time. "3am? What?" You thought to yourself setting your phone back down and laying there for a few minutes before deciding to get comfortable to try and get some more sleep.

Venable's pov:

You woke up exhausted having only fallen asleep a few hours ago. "3am? I've never woken up like this before... strange" you thought to yourself putting your phone back on your purple might stand. "I should probably go back to sleep a few hours won't do me any good for today" you thought again before resting your head back on your pillow and drifting of once more.

The shared dream of venable and yourself:

Like all the memories came flooding back. Tempus  Infinitum you both heard  as all the memories of the apocalypse came flooding back looking towards each other realising of your relationship.

Back to story:

You woke up sweating. That was weird. Venable had told you to come to her office in the dream so once you woke up ready for work you decided to go to her office as soon as you arrived. This morning was different you didn't take any water nor lunch only your keys, phone and files. It's all you needed.

Pulling up to the familiar building you made your way directly to the office briefly saying hello to Aaliyah.

The elevator and the steps towards.
Miss. Venable seemed to go on forever as you grew closer to the door finally approaching the handle and opening it. Miss. Venable was stood directly in front of you at exactly 8am the time she asked you to arrive.

"You too. You had the dream too" she said the very few words she could get out. She stared blankly at you for a minute before you could reply from the utter shock.

"Yes" you said staring back at her feeling all the love you had felt before like the person or people the both of you were had returned and you felt the love you had for her before as she did you. All of the memories the good ones and the bad ones. The ones of her hair tickling your nose in the morning. The day she let you see her back. The day you let her look after you. Michael. Her death. It all felt too much as you walked towards her closing the door and collapsing to the floor crying.

She got down to your level and stroked your hair. "Little one look at me" she said. You recognised that name like you recognised yourself and for a moment forgot everything around you. You looked at her.

"Mina.." you said looking at her. She teared up as she felt the connection to you and embraced you like never before.

A knock at the door sounded and to your surprise it was the woman from your dream. Miss cordelia.

"I see that you two have had the chance to remember. I can bring back all of the memories if you'd like. The dreams you had last night are only few of the ones that you made together." She said looking at you both. As you looked at Mina she nodded and helped you stand up with her cane.

"Yes please" you said holding Mina's hand as Cordelia walked over to the sofa gesturing for you to sit down.

You say hand in hand as cordelia touched both of your fore heads and all of the memories flooded back to you. As if you had just lived threw them.

Looking at Mina you kissed her as she opened her eyes to meet you. It felt familiar. So familiar.

Like you had been with mina for an eternity.

She looked at you as you looked back to cordelia and thanked her.

"I'm glad you can both be together" she said beautifully as she exited leaving you with Mina once more.

"What now?" You said.

"I suppose we go on together" mina breathed stroking your back and giving you butterfly kisses.

"Finally the other life" she said to you.


You looked at her once more and had to get on with your work or else you'd be fired even though that didn't come to much of a concern as mina was your boss right?

You worked through the day by Mina's side only needing to tap her shoulder for the things you wanted or needed and kept her close incase she needed you.

At the end of the day after many cups of coffee, some might say too many. You went home with mina to hers rather than going your separate ways.

You admired the purple in her house staying close to her to keep yourself in touch with reality.

At around bed time you got into her bed and snuggled up to her like you used to.

"I love you mina, and I've missed you" you whispered into her ear before she fell asleep.

"I love you eternally Y/N" she said back to you.

"Goodnight my love" she looked back at you smiling that brilliant smile of hers.

You grabbed some of Mina's hair with approval from her and just before you drifted off.

"Look mina I have a fancy moustache" you spoke softly to her.

"I remember" she said lovingly to you and kissed you on the forehead laying you both to rest together for the next exciting day.

A/N: I'm not gonna lie the image in my head for this is adorable just imagine mina with reader hugging after finally being reunited properly.... So cute 😮‍💨 💜💜 hope you enjoyed this little chapter my lovelies 🌹✨💜

Wilhemina venable- never felt  (𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now