Chapter 32

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*the next morning*

Jack:*wakes up and smiles looking down at Elsa sleeping on his chest snuggled onto him as he giggles and kisses her head then whispers*princess we need to start getting ready*starts stroking her back gently*

Elsa:*groans but doesn't let go of him nor open her eyes*nooooooo~~*whines*im to comfortable to move *chuckles* can we stay one more hour?

Jack:*chuckles as he kisses her head again*no princess we can't stay one more hour so come on*movws his hand off her as he's not touching her anymore*

Elsa:*whines and reaches out for his hand as she groans and rolls off him cuddling the pillow*fuck you...

Jack: *chuckles*you've done that already princess~*chuckles sitting up*

Elsa: ahhh yes~*giggles and sits up*then fuck you again~*laughs*

Jack: *shakes his head chuckling*whenever you want princess~*starts tickling her*

Elsa:*her eyes open wide and she gasps*hey!! No no stop!! *starts laughing hard trying to push him off*jack!!

Jack: I will not stop~*laughs with her and continues tickling her*whats the magic word?

Elsa: please stop!! I love you! *laughing hard still trying to push him off then she gasps covering her mouth*i m-mean...

Jack:*widens his eyes hearing her say that as he smiles and stops tickling her*i love you to*leans down and kisses her deeply hovering on top of her*

Elsa:*smiles hearing him say that as she kissed him back deeply wrapping her arms around his neck*

*they make out for few minutes*

Jack:*breaks the kiss as he smirks and looks at her*i know you want to fuck me... again~*chuckles*but we really need to get ready pack out stuff

Elsa:*rolls her eyes*fiiinnneeee~*stands up walking to her closet starting to pack everything*

Jack:*chuckles doing the same *

*20 minutes later as they're done*

*one guy comes and takes their suitcases taking them down stairs to the car and getting the car ready*

Jack: come on princess let's go*walks down stairs then opens the door for her*

Elsa:*smiles*thank you*goes in the car putting on her seatbelt*

Jack:*smiles walking to his side as he gets in and starts driving*

*1 hour later as they're at the airport*

Elsa:*sleeping as she's leaning her head on his shoulder *

Jack:*looks at Elsa then positions her straight just so she doesn't fall then he gets out walking to her side opening the door and picking her up walking her in the airport laying her on the couch*

Elsa:*smiles and mumbles*thank you~

Jack:*chuckles*youre welcome*kisses her head then sits on his seat and opens his laptop*

*Elsa wakes up one hour later as they're still on the plane*

Jack:*leaning his head back on the seat rubbing his head with his shirt up a bit revealing his v-kine as he sighs and still has the laptop on his lap opened*

Elsa:*sits up and smiles then looks at him up and down and blushes licking her lips as she giggles and stands up taking the laptop off his lap while looking at him smirking*

Jack:*looks at her confused*princess what are you doing? You were asleep a minute ago...

..........To be continued............

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