Chapter 48

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Elsa:*still on the floor shaking in pain and shock as her shirt is bloody because of the kick and she has a mark on her face because of his slap as she never stops crying and now it gets even more hard and she bursts down in tears* Anna! *hugs her tight as she's breathing heavily* it hurt Anna it fucking hurt! Everything does! My body my face my heart! Everything does! * shaking uncontrollably*

Anna:*widens her eyes In shock and concern* Elsa shhh! It's okay! *hold her tight* I will help you just tell me where it hurts and how I can help... *yells* I need the ambulance!!

Elsa:*hugging Anna as she never stops sobbing and her whole body is shaking in pain *I told you everywhere! I-i want Jack.. Where is he! I need him.. Anna please find him... Please!

Anna; Elsa Jack is here but they are not letting him in they need to search the whole house he can't get in---

Elsa:*imterrupts her by standing up ignoring the pain on her body but mostly stomach as tears are still sliding down her cheeks* then I will go to him! *starts limping outside*

Anna: Elsa you will hurt yourself more! *tries stopping her but then sees Jack and yells* Jack!!

Jack:*talking with officers begging them to get in and then he gasps when he hears Anna and pushes them away and runs to them then he gasps seeing the state that Elsa is * ELSA!! *runs to her hugging her right holding her protectively * I'm here I'm here...

Elsa:*smiles a bit hugging him tight as well burying her head in his chest getting his shirt soaked with tears as she ignores the pain but her legs give up making them fall down as she whispers* i-i did it..

Jack:* holding her againsg his chest as he smiles and keeps strokes her hair and back comforting her but can't help it but to read up as well* you did it babygirl you really did... I'm so proud of you... *leans down kissing her head*its over everything will be okay...

Elsa:*holding onto him as she nods and tries taking deep breathes to calm down but ehines in pain and looks at him* will you marry me~?

Jack:*widens his eyes and chuckles* Jesus Elsa.. *laughs then kisses her deeply* you know I will but you gotta wait till I propose~*smiles* how about we go to the hospital now..

Elsa:*chuckles them groans holding her stomach* yes please... *tries wiping her tears away* he got me good...

Jack: you will be okay... *picks her up gently and carefully then walks to the ambulance getting in and laying her down*

Anna:*follows them as well as she can't help but smile at the two of them and sighs in relief that everything is over and that evey thing will be okay*

*20 minutes later as they arrive at the hospital*

Jack: they will check you up I came be in there so you gotta be patient okay babygirl.. *kisses her head*i promise I'll be right where with you when I can..

Anna: same goes here Elsa... *smiles* once they finish checking you up and taking care of you we will both come to you instantly

Elsa:*smiles looking at them then slowly nods* I don't doubt it ~*closes her eyes*

*Another 20 minutes pass*

Doctor:*walks out of Elsa's room and looks at Jack and Anna* you guys are her family?

Jack:*instantly stand sup and walks to him with Anna next to him* yes I'm her boyfriend and this is her sister.. How is she?.. *looks at him worried*

Doctor: okay so I asked the police officers what happened and now I understand.. the slap just left a mark in her right side of the face.. You just have to apply a cream besides that I'll be okay as for her stomach apparently he kicked her... so it will leave a bruise a big one and it will hurt for at least few months so you got to be careful not to touch or put pressure and it's better if she rests, less walking and lifting things up and again we will give you a cream for that as well...

Jack:*sighs in relief that it's not anything  a lot more serious then he nods* thank you doc.. *walks in the room and instantly sits next to her taking her hand* I love you...

Elsa:*smiles looking at him as she chuckles and groans again because of the pain but nods* I love you more...

Jack: *whispers *not possible... *strokes her cheek* sleep Elsa you need it... I promise I will be here...

Elsa: okay... *smiles looking at him as she yawns and instantly when she closes her eyes she falls asleep*

*the next morning*

*******TO BE CONTINUED********

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