A Lot Like Love - Part 1

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The crowd gathered outside hotel just to get glimpse of him.As he slipped ring in her finger the hall echoed with claps and he felt hugged by his mother.She was smiling today after how long even he couldnt remember.For that one smile on her face.He was taking this decision.He knew deep inside how his heart wasnt ready to accept this step in his life.He pretended to smile like always.As the newly engaged couple posed for media giving them perfect pictures.

As the newly engaged couple posed for media giving them perfect pictures

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He excused himself as he was having bad headache.Adding to that the heavy attire wasnt doing any good to him.He was sweating even in full air conditioned place.He asked his assistant to do needful.Escaping from all eyes.He kept wiping his sweat and had some water.He felt relaxed for bit.Gulping pain killer and his eyes fell on his mother.Happily taking pictures with Myra his fiance.She was not as big actress like him.But it was all about family friendship thing which materialized into relationship.He have worked with Myra.She was nice girl and as of now this was all he figured out about her.

He laughed at his own self and felt like getting some fresh air.His bodyguards and asssitants giving him much needed privacy.He went to balcony.Looking down from height waving at fans.Who get magical smile on his lips.He couldnt stop that.They were part of his life and family too.From regional star to Pan Indian Star now.VikramAditya was big name.He was hottest topic from few years being on top.In small time he achieved fame and stardom.People would do anything to get glimpse of him.Going crazy and any news on him would trend for months.

"Vikram you are here.I have been looking for you."

He was staring at sky now.Closing his eyes knowing well who was behind him.His childhood friend.Now the one who handles his work and can fully influence all important decisions in his life.

"You are late into party.At least today could have come on time Mani."

Vikram looked at ring on his finger and took deep breathe.Letting feeling sync in.Was he confused or what.He raised his brows seeing his friend trying best to hide panic look on his face as he stood before him.

"What happened?Everything alright Mani?"

Mani made sure no one was around and spoke in hush tone.

"I dont think so.We need to leave for your home right now."

Getting out of his engagement party.An hour after he got engaged and managing his fiance her family and his own family.Only he knew how he managed all.Vikram glared at his friend.Who gave him I didnt do anything look.They managed to get flight as early as possible and were seated in his private jet.

It was late at night when they reached Hyderabad and getting car direct to his farmhouse which was in outskirts of city.As soon as they reached Vikram started walking inside in anger and irritation.Least thing he expected being captured in camera and he knew.Next morning news would come.VikramAditya was seen travelling somewhere hour after his engagement.

V-"You can never give me good news Mani.You know how I had to convince everyone out there.When I didnt knew reason myself why I was running to catch flight back to Hyderabad.Like this.Seriously?Now wait for media in morning."

M-"If I wouldnt have got you here.Media would have got you anyways.With bigger and sensational news I believe.Vikram you dont know whats waiting for you."

V-"I cant believe it can be something more important.For how you dragged me here.Whats the...?"

As he entered  he could hear cries of toddler.First he thought to let it go but it became louder and clear.With Mani widening his eyes.Pulling Vikram aside.Who gave him an irritated looked.Sleep derived and jet lagged.Adding to that weird behavior of his friend made it worse for him.

"Excuse me

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"Excuse me.Can I get some warm water.Actually he is hungry and I need to."

Vikrams eyes fell on tall figure who appeared in main hall room.Her eyes and face looked attractive.With long hair but his focus was on baby whom she was trying to pacify.Then he saw Mani staring at girl weirdly.He pushed him aside.

V-"Mani you lost it?You got me all this way here to meet a fan?You could have arranged it some other day or time.What were you thinking and who is she.What is she doing at my house?"

M-"Thats what Im trying to tell you.Vikram.This is serious issue.This girl."

"Sakshi.Sakshi Varma."

She came forward with baby clinging to her.Hiding his face on her shoulder as she pacified him.Vikram became more inquisitive.

V-"Ahh.Look Ms.Whatever.I dont know what you have been told.But this is not way to meet I mean."

S-"If I had option.I wouldnt have come here ever.But I had to.I came for my baby.I couldnt deprive him of his rights to be with his father.He deserves to know about his father."

V-"Sorry?.What brings you here to find your babys father?Mani.Whats happening?"

S-"Superstar VikramAditya.Thats his fathers name.He's our son.Mine and yours."

She stood there with coy smile on face and placing kiss on babys head.While Vikram was looking at baby and her.With equal shock and confusion.His eyes travelled to his friend who gave him look too.He was clueless to whatever was happening.


Hello to everyone.All my friends and readers.I have been in and out here.From longest time.But its never easy for writer to leave writing I guess.So Im back to my love.My health issues kept me out from here.As you can see Im back to writing but this time.I can update only short stories which will be wrapped up in few parts only.Basically different stories which will be updated here.So here is glimpse of first one.I have been out for long time so I dont know.If I still have readers.I will continue to write only if this interests you.

Dont forget to vote and comment.Thank you :)

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