A Lot Like Love - Part 5

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Vikram looked around for uptenth time.Wet his lips and felt his throat dry as he kept glancing at greenery around.His own garden area which were adorned with love by him only.Wearing loose white shirt and baggy pants he kept fixing his glasses which looked like weird frame. No one would say that he is same persona who comes larger than life on screen for fans.

It was bad idea indeed.If only he didnt had to listen to his friends who planned this.When Nikhil was planning a candle light dinner date Mani refused at very moment.Saving Vikram and by no means he would prefer him getting close to Sakshi.He ended up here with her taking view of his garden calling it date maybe.

"Do you like gardening?"

He was almost sleeping when heard her voice.She saw that and he felt embarrased as they walked deeper into beautiful area covered with lush and greenery.Sakshi smiled seeing him.From no angle he looked or behaved like big star he was.Be it his behavior or mannerisms it gave her good impression only.She was surprised for moment when Vikram spoke to her about having talk.Though she agreed she kept on glancing back at house.Leaving her baby alone for moment makes her uneasy.Vikram noticed that.

V-" Dont worry.He is in safe hands.Nikhil loves kids and he seems happy with him."

She gave smile and they kept walking.Till she broke silence again.

S-"So.You love gardening?This is beautiful place."

V-"It is indeed.This has been my interest since I was kid.With my father I used to take care of plants.And seeing them around growing up.I never feel this close or familiar.A serene feeling with anything else.This place helps me to breathe."

Sakshi looked at smile that came on his face.It was pure just like his personality.As he looked back at her she moved her face.

S-"Nice.Wasnt expecting such words from you.I thought superstars have different life.High society types."

He laughed it off seeing her touching a flower in tree.It just bloomed.

V-"We are humans too.We can live life in our own way too.Its just people need to change their views about us."

S-"Views and mindset.Even if you say so some people can never change their way of thinking.For them society and family values.Repuation are much more important than own people."

He frowned sensing her words had some other meaning.She came out of her trance and adjusted her stole.The light breeze touched her face.Making her hair fly and she closed her eyes feeling the calmness.

Making her hair fly and she closed her eyes feeling the calmness

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Vikram was staring at her.The view looked soothing to him.He has worked with so many beautiful ladies on screen.Some even tried to be friendly with them or more than that expected.But he never found interest or none of personalities attracted him.There was something about this girl.Which pulled him towards her from beginning.The loud thunder got him back.It will rain soon.

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