What Is Love?

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"What is the concept of love?" If someone asked me this question

I would go through my memories of her

And if people were able to look inside my memories that are deeply buried in my brain but still fresh

They would finally understand what love felt like and what the concept of love is

I would describe every second of my life when i was able to sit with her

I would describe how she looked like

I would describe how it felt like when i talked to her, it was just like finding your heat source in an endless cold night

I would describe how my heart would beat fast that she was next to me

Maybe that's why the heart beats fast when a loved one sits next to you

Its like your heart and brain commanding the body

"Don't you die when you see her this time dumbo"

I would describe how it felt like looking into her eyes

How amazing it were to fall for them

It was as if they called me out and told me

"Fall in and experience what you've never experienced"

And if there was a way that would allow people to walk into my dreams

Its all her that they would see

Maybe this is in short what the concept of love for me is

That's when i would be able to say that i am DRUNK OFF HER

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