My Mysterious ways of seeing you

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Where are you?

Why is it that you confront me in my dreams

But you never meet me on this physical plain

Why is it that i see your eyes when i dream

And why is it that its the last thing i see before i wake up

Why is is that in my dreams you're always facing the opposite side
Where all im left with is your hair that i glare upon

Why is it that i see you laughing in my dreams.
You laugh at the jokes i crack, just like the old days

Oh mysterious woman, you weren't this mysterious before, back when i knew you
You felt like a book that I've been reading for a long time

Even though i dream about you, years later,
Your memory and dreams still make me feel like it all happened yesterday
And today you're not here

And the only way i can enjoy your existence is only through my dreams
Because its been eons since i saw you,
I dont know if i will ever see you
And even after seeing
I dont know what i would tell you,
Would i greet you before?
Or would i straight away tell you how much i have been waiting for this talk

In the end all i want is the answer to all these mysterious questions i keep on asking myself
And you aren't here to answer them anymore

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