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Vicky wondered why she got a partner when there is Kate. She walked in the elevator and looked at her dad. "Alright, what's up with the whole partner thing when you have Kate that can be his partner." She said. "I'm about sure, I can take care of myself."

"I don't want nothing to happen to you so you are to work with Tony."

Vicky sighed as the elevator doors opened on their floor. They walked over. "I don't pay that close attention, Tony." Kate said making Vicky laugh. "Oh. Who are you?'

"Vicky." Tony said. "My partner."

"Dad, can I just stick with Kate." She says.

"No." Vicky started to sip on her coffee when her father walked by. "We got a murder at Little Creek. Get Ducky."

Vicky sighed as she heard grunting and looked at Tony. "Are you alright?" She asked him as he looked at her.

"Couldn't be better."

Kate watched Tony grab Vicky and walked away. She tried her best not to laugh at Vicky complaining about the partner situation.
Arriving at the crime scene, Vicky walked with her dad as he was getting information. "Lieutenant Commander Thomas Egan." He said.

A stab victim with an anonymous call. Vicky wondered if the actual witness was the caller. She got closer as Gibbs gave Kate her job to take pictures. "Vicky, photos."

Vicky started taking pictures as well as Kate. "His knife is missing." She tells Kate.

"You didn't see this coming." Ducky said.

Vicky looked at the tide. "Tide." She said as Tony tossed her the measurement and laid down at Vicky's feet to block the water from touching the body. "I don't think we have time for swimming, Tony."

"I got a spare suit in the van."

Tony raised up groaning in pain. "Are you okay?"


"What is it?" Kate asked.


Vicky gave her father a look as she tried her best not to laugh at him as Kate chuckled. "Vicky, just laugh." Tony tells her.

"Nah." She said. "Weight is nothing to laugh about. So, I'm good."

Tony looked at the red head as she walked away. "Bag him." Gibbs tells them.
Vicky stood waiting for Tony. When he finally came out, she started to laugh. "I think you might need to bring your own clothes next time."

Tony shook his head as they walked into the building. Vicky saw the guy behind the desk trying his hardest to not laugh. He sighed as he reached the desk. "Special Agent DiNozzo and this is Special Agent Gibbs."

"Just can't stop messing with the uniforms, can they, sir?" The man at the desk said.

"You on duty this morning?" Tony asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Take the call about the attack on the beach?" Vicky asked.

"Yes, ma'am." He said. "Call came in at 09...thirty-two."

"Got a name?" Tony asked.

"No, sir, but the voice was male." He says. "Sounded real nervous. And when I started asking questions, he just hung up."

Vicky looked at him after seeing the phone. "Caller I.D.?"

"Yes, ma'am. But the call that came in this morning was blocked." He said.

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