Chapter 24

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Matt's pov
"Hello Matthew." I heard someone say.

I turned around to see a guy that I had never seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

"I don't know if you need to know that information." He replied.

"Um okay can someone please just tell me why i'm here?" I asked.

I am pretty confused at this point.

Ally's crying pretty hard, cam looks like he's at a loss for words and doesn't really know what to do and then I have this complete stranger standing in front of me who looks like he's about to beat the crap out of me and Cam.

"Well um Matt I was wondering if you could tell me about your relationship with Ally." The strange boy asked.

"Oh um well were friends." I replied still unsure.

"And do you have feelings for her?" He asked me

"um y-yeah I-I do, but I know she has a boyfriend so I'm not going to make a move on her." I told him truthfully.

"Well at least I can trust one of them." He said, looking at Ally.

"I'm Ally's boy-" he started to say but then stopped and corrected himself.

"I was Ally's boyfriend." I'm so confused right now.

"What do you mean was?" I asked

"meaning not anymore." He replied

"Evan what are you trying to say?" Ally asked trying to get herself together.

"I need time Ally, I don't think its best to continue this relationship. I mean this is the second time this happened and this is leading me to believe that you don't like me like that anymore.

I also can't control your feelings so I don't want to hold you back if you love him.

I mean i'm thousands of miles away and he's here." He replied sadly

"Evan." Ally said trying to comprehend what he just said.

"But I guess if I love you, I should let you move on." (A/N 17 again anyone?) And with that Evan left.

Ally's pov
"But I guess if I love you, I should let you move on."

And with that the love of my life walked right out the door and out of my world.

"Ally, i'm so sorry." Cameron told me trying to make things better but I just brushed past him.

I saw Brad walking down the stairs and I ran into his arms and cried into his shirt.

"Hey whats wrong?" He asked concerned.

I couldn't answer him I just kept crying into him.

Then he noticed Cameron and Matthew.

Brad pulled away from me and walked over to the boys.


"I swear I had nothing to do with this." Matt said putting his hands up in surrender.


He ran out of the house, probably faster than i've ever seen anyone run in my life.

Poor Matt he didn't do anything.

"So this was your fault." He stared right at Cameron.

"B-brad come sit next to me." I told him he came and sat next to me and I started to explain.

"So um Cam texted me asking if I wanted to hang out and I said yeah so he came over.

We were watching a movie and my head was on his lap, the movie ended and um we um kissed."


"brad I wasn't finished.

Anyway so then what I didn't know was that Evan was coming to surprise me and he he didn't even knock first and he just came in and saw cam and I.

I heard someone cough so I pulled away from cam and looked in his direction.

I saw him standing there with roses and he had tears streaming down his face and in some power depressing words he told me what I needed to hear and walked out that door right out of my life."

I explained to my brother.

I was now crying again and he pulled me into a hug.

"Shh it'll be okay Alls." He whispered in my ear and pulled me into his lap rubbing my back.

"Brad i'm so sorry I really don't know what I was thinking, i've just liked your sister for a really long time and I know what I did was wrong.

And Ally i'm so sorry I caused you all this pain, I didn't want any of this to happen.

When I saw you for the first time at Nash's house, I thought you were the most beautiful thing in the world and I wanted you to be mine.

When I found out that you had a boyfriend I knew that I couldn't have you and I wouldn't try because i'm not that kind of guy that takes someone else's girl.

When We kissed today it was almost like I really didn't need anything more in my life than that moment right there with you.

When I saw your boyfriend I knew that you were never meant to be mine and even though you set a fire in my eyes and heart, he set one in yours.

I knew I had just put out that fire and all there was left was the burned ashes of your heart and now you don't have a fire anymore, you just have the rain that put out the fire and i'm the reason for that rain.

I wish I could make the fire ignite again for you but I can't do that because I can't put you back together, I can only make you fall apart.

The only person that can stop this rain is Evan and I'm so sorry that I caused all this rain."

And with that he walked out the door and out of my life, which left me with one thought.

I lost my fire and all i'm left with is rain.

So some pretty intense chapters huh? What will happen to Ally, Evan and Cam? I guess we'll just have to find out.
Until next time~

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