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3 years later
Ally's Pov
"Mommy" I feel someone tug my hand.

"Yes avery?" I ask my 3 year old daughter.

"Can you help me tie my shoes?" She asks.

"mhm" I tie her shoes and help her put on her backpack.

"Have fun at school okay?"

"Okay mommy"

I watch her get on the bus and sit next to Makenzi and Maddie.

"She seems to be doing okay." Mak comments.

"I know its just really hard for me sometimes." I reply.

"I know Alls but it'll get better." Maddie says.

"I don't know sometimes, I just wish, I wish he was still here."

"I know ally we all do."

3 years ago Evan was given an opportunity to go to London and make some movies.

He's been so busy that he hasn't been home for 3 years.

I know that seems so unrealistic but when you film in London thats a long way from chino hills.

He hasn't even got to see our daughter grow up.

I also have a thought that I hope isn't true but I think he may have moved on.

I see couples holding hand and kissing and hugging all the time and it makes me miss him more than anything.

Is it too much to ask to be able to hold my husband?


"Oh sorry I kinda spaced out."

"Its alright, but Maddie and I have to go."

"Oh okay."

"Take care of yourself Ally, you'll hear from him soon."

"But you see the thing is, I haven't gotten a single call from him this year."

"Well i'm sure you will soon."

1 year later

Evan still isn't home and i'm honestly a mess.

I dropped out of college my junior year to marry him.

I was only 21.

We were really happy for a couple years.

Then he got the phone call about the movie and I told him to except it.

He was really upset about having to leave me, but I told him i'd be fine, I mean, 4 years away from him seemed terrible but I wanted him to pursue his dream.

After he left I started feeling weird and I was throwing up all the time so I went to the doctor.

They told me I was pregnant.

I honestly couldn't believe it because I knew raising her was not going to be easy without him.

When I called to tell him I was pregnant, he wanted to come home right away, but his boss wouldn't let him.

He told Evan he would be fired if he came back home, so I told him to stay.

Every night I would have pains in my stomach and it felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife.

But Evan would stay on the phone with me and tell me it was going to get better and he would cry and apologize that he couldn't be there with me.

When I gave birth the Avery, Brad was there with me because he knew that Evan couldn't and it was a really hard time for me.

I honestly don't know how i've survived with out him for so long.

It was around 2 in the afternoon now and I was watching something on tv when I heard the door open, I thought it was Avery, but she doesn't have a key and I have to go pick her up.

So I figured it was Brad or Beth because they come by a lot.

I turned my head and looked in the direction of the door.

It was him.

It was the boy I fell so deeply in love with all those years ago.

We locked eyes and I sprinted into his open arms.

"Evan." I said breathing in his sent that I missed so much.

"I missed you so much baby." he replies pulling me closer to him and kissing me on the lips.

"You have no idea how long i've waited for you to do that." I tell him.

"I just want to hold you forever and never let go."

"Do you want to go sit down?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure." He picks me up and takes me over to the couch.

"I have legs you know."

"I told you i'm never letting you go." He sits down on the couch and pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me.

"They wanted me to do another movie, but I told them no, I told them that I couldn't be away from my wife and daughter any longer and they cut my contract." He tells me.

"Babe you just let it go."

"Sweetheart its been 4 years and I haven't gotten to see your beautiful face, hold you or kiss you, I don't care about the contract."

"I have to go pick Avery up from school do you want to come with me?" I ask him.

"of course."

Avery had seen tons of pictures of Evan and heard every story.

Shes even talked to him on the phone but I knew that nothing would compare to the moment about to come.

We got out of the car and walked into her classroom.

I didn't even have to tell him which one was our daughter because she was like a replica of him.

"Avery." I heard him basically yell.

She turned from packing up her bag and looked at him.

"DADDY!" She yelled sprinting towards him.

He picked her up and spun her around, kissing her all over her face.

In that moment when our family was finally reunited I knew that I wanted nothing more in my life than that moment with them.

And with everything thats happened between me and Evan, I can't help but wonder,

How did we end up here?

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