Chapter 30

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Ally's pov
I got up and decided to go and see cameron and tell him about what happened.

I got to his apartment and knocked on his door.

He answered a few seconds later.

"Hey baby." He said hugging me.

"Yeah um about that, I need to talk to you um I just don't really know how to say it."

"Is it bad?"

"Well for you....."

"Um well you should probably tell me then."

"Okay so um I saw Evan at the mall yesterday.... We talked about things and decided that we should um."

"You still love him don't you?" He asked me.

I had never seen Cameron cry and I never wanted to either but I mean things happen.

"Thats the thing I mean i'm not really sure. My brother told me not to hang on to relationships from high school that aren't really there anymore, you shouldn't try to keep it going when all your really holding onto is a broken line."

(My brother actually told me that)


"so um I'm not really sure, I think I still love him but theres someone else in my life now that I love as well and thats you."

"You love me?" He asked shocked.

"Y-yeah I think I do."

"Well thats good because I love you too."

"But I don't really know what to do because Evan and I have been through so much and I-I can't seem to let him go."

"So is there not going to be an us?"

"Not right now, I need to talk to Evan and figure everything out."

"Okay." He looked hurt but you could tell he understood my reasoning.

"I have to go cam but it was nice seeing you."

"Hey you can come by anytime."

"Okay." we got up and he walked me out.

"Be careful okay?"

"Yeah always."

"I hope you make the right decision."

"I hope so too."

"Bye Ally."

"Bye Cameron."

I really don't know what i'm suppose to do but I still need to talk with evan too.

I got home and found him on the couch.

"Hey babe?" I say getting his attention.


"I need to talk to you about something."


"So um you know I still love you right?" He smiles.

"I still love you too."

"Yeah so um while we were broken up you know Cameron?..."

"How could I forget?" His mood changed to tense and angry.

"Well while we were broken up we went out, but then we talked things through now were here. The thing is I still love Cameron too I mean we were together for like 5 months." "So are you leaving me?"

"Thats the thing i'm not sure of I mean you and I have been through so much and i've loved you since my sophomore year of high school."

"I want you to know that I love you very much but I'll support whatever decision you make whether you decide its me or not."

"Thank you that really means a lot."

"Of course." He replied smiling at me.

So now that i've talked with both of them I just have one decision to make;

Cameron or Evan?

Evans pov
"She said that she might not take me back and that shes also in love with someone else." I said tears brimming my eyes.

"Ouch bro." Brent said trying to be helpful

"You were too late man you should have talked to her sooner." Sammy said not being helpful either

"Look Evan, i've known you since what 7th grade? And i've known Ally since around 2nd. I can tell you that her whole life she kind of secluded herself from everyone else. That is until 8th grade when she met Maddie and Makenzi. Oh yeah and I also forgot to tell you about her best friend that shes known since 3rd grade."

"What are you trying to say here? And whose her best friend since 3rd grade? Austin man you make no sense."

"I'm saying that it was weird for her to just want to be with you, shes never done that ever. I know all this stuff because I was really good friends with her for a really long time. We were actually dating her freshman year and then she thought I was cheating on her so she ended it just like that. Never even gave me a chance to explain to her what actually happened."

"Oh" Was all that I could say. How could he not tell me that he dated her?

"Whose her best friend from third grade?" I asked him

"Luke Hemmings."

"Not the Luke from that stupid band the girls like right?"

"The exact one."


"And she hasn't seen him since freshman year because he went on tour."

"When does he come back?"


Hey lovelies,
How is everyone today? I think i'm going to do a double update because I have more ideas. So at the end of the next chapter tell me who you ship ally with. I honestly have no idea how many more chapters I will have for this book, I haven't decided yet.

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