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寝坊 || sleepover

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寝坊 || sleepover

          "HOW ARE YOU SURE THIS IS GOING TO WORK?" she raised a question, placing her back on the wall and arms crossed, low-key mimicking Bakugo

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"HOW ARE YOU SURE THIS IS GOING TO WORK?" she raised a question, placing her back on the wall and arms crossed, low-key mimicking Bakugo.

"I'm not, dumbass."

[name] sneered at this, disbelief drawn on her face but soon shrugged at this.

"Don't drop your robot act 'cause I'm gonna be the one who has to clean the fucking mess." he snapped out of nowhere.

"Yessir." she mocked. "Hey, Bakugo."

Bakugo ignored her question, however.

"Did my blackmail really work, or are you doing this because you care about your class?"

Again, he paid her no mind.

The blond strode down the corridor as he walked towards Kaminari's room without looking back.

"I-" she cut off herself, too lazy to argue. She hurried after him.

"Eyy! You brought a chick!" Kaminari's ecstatic voice disturbed the quiet hallway.

Meanwhile, at the back, Todoroki murmured to Midoriya saying, "Does he know it's a robot?" making the green-haired boy deadpan.

She skimmed the room, her eyes landing on Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Midoriya, Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Ojiro.

"I'm just getting rid of this stupid robot following me around, Dunce Face."

His room was neat enough, to say the least. Though the number of items like PlayStation controllers, pizza boxes, soda cans, and more junk food you could think of made it look messy-which isn't half as bad as what she expected.

Everybody finally settled down, sitting on the floor as they battle through video games as they chow down the chips.

While she, on the other hand, stood awkwardly.

"She's kinda creepy like this 'cause she looks so real...eh, let's start anyway," Sero whispered to the boys.

Tones from the video game they were playing supplied the entire room. It was time for her to search the area.

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