B R A D L E Y ♡ S I M P S O N

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CHARLOTTE COULDN'T THINK STRAIGHT AS TO HOW SHE ENDED UP WHERE SHE WAS. The mirror was cold against her bare back and the countertop left goosebumps on her thighs.

Bradley's hands ran up and down her sides as his lips left a hot trail of wet kisses along her neck. A breathy moan slipped past her lips as she threw her head back in pleasure. Gripping handfuls of Brad's curls in her hands, she bit on her lip in anticipation. Jerking on his hair momentarily, she let out a small squeal as his teeth scrapped over the sensitive skin on her throat. She felt his lips turn up into a smirk after hearing the shocked noise she made.

Brad pulled back with a devilish smirk. Breathless, Charlotte looked over him. His belt was undone as well as his pants zipper, his shirt was unbuttoned half way, and his hair was a mess of chocolate curls. The shirt she wore was now on the tile floor and her skirt was hiked up her thighs.

"You certainly know how to drive a man wild, sweetheart." He said licking his lips.

Charlotte already flustered from his actions seconds before, just shyly gulped nodding. The urge to reach out for him made her want to slap herself. She had the greatest opportunity of her life but she was to conflicted do to anything. What's wrong with me?! She screamed at herself mentally.

The feeling of warm hands running along her shoulders snapped her out of her thoughts. "Am I doing something wrong?" Brad asked in confusion feeling slightly worried.

"W-what? No! God, no! The fact is you're doing everything right. You're like a sex god-"

"You think I'm a sex god?" He interrupted with a smug smirk as he teased her. Charlotte's eyes widened in embarrassment.

"That- I- you see-"

Brad chuckled at her flustered face. He grabbed her wrists in one of his and slammed them up above her head on the mirror. The brunette gasped at the action. "I wouldn't call myself a sex god," He mumbled as he leaned in. His nose trailed along her jaw before heading up towards her ear. His breath was hot making her shudder and he lightly nibbled on her earlobe making her moan. "I would however... call myself... unforgettable."

The brunette felt her eyes roll back into her head as her core pulsed at his words. She tried to move her hands but they were pressed firmly against the mirror. "Brad..." She whined slightly as she felt his covered genitals push up against hers.

"What would you like me to do?"

Charlotte gulped. She knew what she wanted but her words wouldn't come out. Her lips moved but nothing came out as Brad backed away watching her face. "C-Can I please h-have my hands back?" She asked.

Brad let go gently. "Are you alright?" Instead of an answer, he got a hard shove. He stumbled back onto the toilet seat landing with a loud thud. Charlotte quickly stripped herself of her underwear and hopped off the counter making Brad's eyes widen slightly.

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