E V R A ✾ V O N

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      THE CLOCK CHIMED MIDNIGHT RIGHT AS THE POTION FINISHED. (Y/N) didn't have time to go meet Rebecca at dinner as said earlier, but that was the least of their concerns. One of their main ones was to see if the immune charm would actually work and to do so they'd have to find Evra and they weren't ready for that yet.

Another thing on top of that, was Rebecca still hadn't come back and she usually wasn't out past eleven unless Mr. Tall had her working late in wardrobe. (Y/N) told themselves she was just working late but the feeling of worry pricked their mind.

"Shake until glowing." They read out of the potion book as she filled the cylinder vile they used before with the green liquid.

Clasping the lid, they backed up and brought it to their eye level before starting to shake it. After a few minutes of intense shaking, the potion eventually glowed a bright green with specks of gold swarming around in the thick liquid. "Perfect." They grinned.

Setting the vile down on the table, they turned around to garb their wand but the sight of the trailer door cracked open stopped their movements. "Hello?" They called walking over to the door opening it but no one answered. That's weird, they thought closing the door and turning back around.

A scream tore through their throat out of surprise when (Y/N)'s eyes landed on the python that had curled itself on their headboard. It's tongue flicked while it's beady eyes stared into theirs.

"Pibbo, what are you doing here?" They asked the snake walking over and sitting down on the bed next to it. The bed creaked and bounced startling the serpent who hissed. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."

Pibbo slithered down from the headboard and eventually slithered up (Y/N)'s arm wrapping around it and keeping his head next to their cheek were they felt his tongue gently flick across it repeatedly. "How'd you get here, bud? You should be with Evra."

"Pibbo!" A familiar voice shouted outside the trailer door. The snake hissed making the figure freeze turning to the door slowly opening it walking in.

Looking away from the snake taking in Evra's appearance, the (H/C) witch/wizard couldn't help but silently laugh. He wore pajama pants, a Serpentine shirt, and his classic black beanie. His yellow eyes skimmed over his partner's body and settled on the snake wrapped around their arm. He took a step forward and the candle light made his scales glisten each time his muscles flexed.

"It seems somehow Pibbo got here." (Y/N) said quietly standing up taking small steps towards their boyfriend wearily.

"Darren took him while I was eating."

"Wh-" With a loud slam and the sound of locks turning, all doors and windows of the trailer closed leaving the couple in a candle lit space. The sound of laughter was heard from outside making them both look at the door.

"Is that Darren and Rebecca?" Evra asked rushing over to the door pulling on the handle but it wouldn't budge. "The hell guys?!"

"I got it." (Y/N) sighed letting Pibbo slither off their arm and back on the bed before they turned to their night table reaching down for their wand. But it was missing. "Oh my god, what the fuck is this shit?!" They shouted going over to the door banging on it. "Rebecca did you take my wand?! Where is it?!"

In response there was muffled laughter from the monkey girl followed by the faint words, "Use the immune charm and make up."

"What is she talking about?" Evra asked narrowing his eyes on his partner. His arms were crossed and a scowl on his face.

Sighing in frustration, (Y/N) walked over to the table holding up the vile of glowing liquid. "It's something I made for us..." They admitted looking down. "It's meant to make me immune to your scales and venom. That's why I took some of your scales earlier."

"Does it work?" The snake boy asked dstepping closer to look at the potion.

"I'm not sure yet..."

Ever looked at her with eager eyes letting out a click of his tongue. "Well go on!" He pushed gesturing to the vile. "Don't let the scales you ripped out of my arm go to waste."

"Your joking right?" (Y/N) scoffed in disbelief. "Your more worried about some scales going to waste then what effect it could have on me if this goes wrong?"

A loud muffled groan was heard from outside the trailer and Darren shouting, "Just take the damn potion and make up!"

"No! I don't think I want to now." The (H/C) fumed slamming the vile back on the table turning around with their arms crossed leaning against the trailer wall.

"Have to do everything myself."

"Excuse me?" They snapped turning around just in time to see Evra pop the lid off and pour the potion into his mouth. "What the hell are you doing Evra?! That could kill you!"

Taking a step forward to help him, (Y/N) was suddenly shoved back against the wall. Bringing their arms to defend themselves, they were pushed away by a huge body in between them and their breath caught in their throat. Their hand met the scales on Evra's bicep and felt the pressure against their lips. With wide eyes, they felt as he grabbed onto their waist with both hands and pried their lips apart with his forked tongue. Their gasp was muffled by his lips and the feeling of liquid going forcefully down their throat caused their body to shudder.

Pulling away, (Y/N) finally took notice to the tingling feeling spreading through their body. "I- what?" They asked in a daze looking up at the male who stood over them.

Bringing we their hands back off his biceps, they notice the lack of scales stuck to their skin and the faint glow that dimmed in their veins. "Evra..." They mumbled bringing their hands up slowly to crease his face.

"Can we try again?" He asked quietly.

"Don't think this makes me forgive you!" They grumbled looking down before looking up through their lashes suddenly feeling shy. "But... are you sure?" They asked feebly.

Tugging their body forward, he leaned down staring into their eyes with a grin shaking his head while muttering, "Yeah." Then planted his lips back onto theirs.

Requested by: N/A
Person: Evra Von
Fandom: The Vampire's Assistant
Category: Fluff (cute, adorable, etc.)
Name: Y/N (female/male)
Extra: Part 3/3
Date: 12/5/20

)Name: Y/N (female/male)Extra: Part 3/3Date: 12/5/20•{EDITED}•◣━━━━━━━━━━━◢

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