Chapter Four

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Work was unusually quiet and that never sat well with me. I didn't like to think of myself as a pessimist but whenever it was quiet at the hospital, it was quickly followed by a flood of patients. During my break I grabbed my phone to see if I had missed any calls and instead found some unread messages I had received throughout the day.

From Angel: Yo Ez got laid!
From Angel: Don't forget to congratulate him.
From Angel: What's HPV?
From Unknown: Dinner tonight. I'll pick you up at 8.
From Angel: Can you leave a tub of antiseptic cream in my letter box?
From Angel: Actually, make that two.
From Ez: Brunch at pops tomorrow. Angel's coming so you should too.

The first thing I did was save Nestor's number and hoped it actually was him or I had no idea who was showing up to my house at 8pm. Next I tried to coordinate some sort of response to my rambling brother. God knows what he had got himself into now that he needs antiseptic cream but I guess I should be grateful he was cleaning up after himself. I had done more than enough patching up for him when he was battered and bruised, most of the time he asked me to come over at stupid o'clock. The letter box was actually preferable, then I didn't have to find whoever it was he was banging lately strolling around the house buck naked.

To Angel: I don't care that he got laid as long as he was careful and I am not going to congratulate him for that. Also, I got laid too but I don't see a gift basket being delivered to me. HPV is only the most common STI, how do you not know about it? I gave you a fucking pamphlet on safe sex. Tell me you read it or at least looked at the pictures!
To Nestor: Who dis? 😉
To Ezekiel: Sounds like a recipe for a disaster. See you there.
From Angel: You don't get laid. Who the fuck is it? I'ma kill the motherfucker.

I locked the phone and slipped it back in my bag without replying as my pager started to beep on my hip. It looked like the storm had finally arrived. The last few hours passed in a blur as I moved from room to room checking patients and administering their medications along the way. I made sure to swing by the pharmacy on the way out and grabbed the tubs of antiseptic to drop off at Angel's. I had just closed his letterbox when a woman walked up to the gate.

"Can I help you?" She asked me as she opened the gate.

"Uh no, I'm just dropping off something for Angel. Can I help you?" I asked back wondering who she was.

"I'm just looking for Angel, is he here?" She asked looking at the dark house.

"I have no idea where he is. He doesn't tell me anything." I said as I headed back to my car.

"Who are you? Are you and him...?"

"Ugh, fuck off. I'm Vanessa." I said but they obviously hadn't spoken that deeply during their time together. "His sister."

"Oh, and Ez's?" She smiled happy with my answer.

"That's how it generally goes." I said nodding but I don't think she caught the sarcasm as she continued to smile. "I have somewhere to be but it was nice meeting you."

"Stephanie." She said shaking my hand. "It was nice to meet you too."

I was running out of time to get home and dressed before Nestor arrived and he hadn't even replied to my message. I drove across town, passing by pops place on the way home. It looked quiet but the truck was there so I continued on home. It was almost 8pm as I parked in my driveway and saw Nestor's Escalade pull in behind me. I pouted as he climbed out and I saw his hair had been neatly braided once more, not how I had left him this morning after ending up sleeping over.

"Thought you would be a little happier to see me." He said as he walked towards me.

A smirk grew on my face as I openly eye him up. "I am, now's just not a good time. I have a date arriving in a few minutes."

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