Chapter Eight

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When I woke up the space where Nestor had slept beside me was cold and empty. I sat up and saw his clothes were gone but then I heard my front door close and footsteps creak across the flooring. The bedroom door swung open and Nestor walked in with a tray of coffees and wearing fresh clothes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he took a cup out and passed it over to me and I sniffed it, not wanting a repeat of last time. "Mine is clearly labelled." He chuckled spinning his cup around to show HAZELNUT written boldly across the back.

"I am taking a sick day and don't plan on leaving the house." I said as I took a sip of my coffee. "I'm guessing from the third cup you have somewhere to be?"

He gave a wry smile and nodded before looking away but not before I caught the look of guilt on his face. I wanted to ask what it was but if it was to do with the cartel I doubted he would answer. He sat down on the bed with his back to me and for the first time since meeting him, I felt disconnected from him. I placed the cup on the side table and crawled over to him and sat behind his back. He leant into my touch as I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked at his face over his shoulder. The sad eyes had my breath hitch, something wasn't right.

"Nestor, what's going on?" I asked and he flinched looking away so I grabbed his chin and he let me pull his face back to mine. "Tell me now."

"I can't." He said through gritted teeth before looking at the floor.

"Please..." I begged, I couldn't sit here all day not knowing what terrible thing was going to go down. "Are you in danger?"

"No." He sighed and I relaxed a tiny bit before stiffening at his next words. "Tell Ez to get out of town. I have to go." 

My arms were pushed off Nestor's waist as he stood up and walked out leaving me stunned where I was. I didn't know why my brother was in danger but the fact Nestor warned me told me it was serious. I jumped off the bed in search of my phone and dialled Ez but he wasn't answering. I called Angel but he was the same and didn't pick up either. Frustration ate at me as I realised I didn't have my car either and Nestor had taken off already. I tried to call Nestor but he sent me to voicemail every time and panic gripped me as I tried to find a way to contact my brothers.

To Ez: Where the fuck are you! You need to get out of town!
From Ez: I am out of town and I'm busy. What's going on?
To Ez: Someone is trying to kill you.

He didn't reply and he either didn't believe me and didn't see a reason to reply or he did believe me and he was making plans. All I knew was that I had done what I could for him and the rest was up to him. Two hours later a motorcycle pulled up and I walked out to see which one of my brothers it was. There Ez stood with his hands gripping his kutte and a proud smile on his face.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I walked up to him and shoved him in the chest. "You need to leave Santo Padre. I told you someone is trying to kill you!"

"Someone is always trying to kill me." He joked as he grabbed my hands. "And I am leaving. For good. I'm going to Lodi with Gaby, I'm just on my way to Pops to say goodbye. Will you come with me?"

I smiled and jumped into a hug proud of the decision he had made. "You deserve more than this town can give you, Gaby too. Make sure you don't come back, the quicksand won't give you a second chance of escape."

He nodded and dragged me over to his bike before handing me his helmet and I climbed on behind him. The drive through town was quiet and we pulled up to the shop before parking out the front. Ez was relaxed but I couldn't help feeling like we were being watched and I scanned the area but didn't see anyone so I followed him inside. Ez looked shocked as he stood over pops and asked what Gaby had said to him but I could see the guilt written on pops face. 

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