Chapter Five

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I walked in the backdoor and found Ez and Gaby huddled close as they cooked together in pops kitchen. They were so caught up in each other they didn't notice me creep through to the living room. They could have their moment together, I figured it probably didn't happen often. Pops was in his chair watching the Dodgers as Gaby's giggles floated through the room. I cracked a smile at the grumpy old man as he grabbed the remote and increased the volume to drown out the happiness. God forbid there be any sense of joy in what had become mom's mausoleum.

"So we are doing brunches now?" I asked as I sat down on the cushion I had claimed as a kid.

"If it makes them happy." He said without looking away from the television.

"Happy families isn't exactly our thing." I pointed out and his eyes flickered to me briefly before he pursed his lips and went back to the tv screen. "Where's Angel, I thought he was invited?"

"He'll be here." He said before falling back into silence.

My stomach rumbled and I was grateful I stole a muesli bar from Nestor's pantry before leaving as we waited for Angel to arrive. His empty seat was draining the room like a black hole and when I heard his motorcycle coming I reached for a flatbread only to have my hand hit away by Ez.

"Wait until Angel gets here." He said as I rubbed the reddening spot on my hand.

"He's an hour late." Pops complained.

"I think we should just eat." Gaby said sitting down beside Ez.

"Good idea." Pops said picking up his cutlery.

"Here he is." I said, swiping the bread I was eyeing up before Ez could hit me again, as the front door swung open. "See."

Angel turned around cradling a six pack and his face scrunched up at the sight before him. This was the first time we had used the dining table since mom died, it just sat unused while we used the smaller table in the kitchen with a front row seat to her urn, not weird at all.

"Oh, please tell me this is not an intervention?" He asked making me hide my laugh behind my hand as he looked ready to leave again.

"You're late." Pops chided as Gaby rushed forward to pull out his chair for him.

Ez caught me rolling my eyes and he shook his head warning me not to say anything at her eagerness so I shoved more bread in my mouth. I nearly choked when I saw she was wearing mom's apron and anticipation filled me as I waited for Angel to see it too.

"Seriously bro, what the fuck is this?" Angel asked and I cringed as his breath blew across the table, almost getting drunk on his fumes.

"Well, you know, I thought it could be nice to get together as a family." Ez said grinning like a fool.

Did he really think one meal together would magically heal the wounds this family had that had been left to fester? For a smart man, he was incredibly stupid. Even Angel couldn't come up with a response to that as he fidgeted in his seat dumbfounded until Gaby walked back in with his beer and a glass. That's when he saw the apron wrapped around Gaby like she had skinned mom and worn it as a graft. His face was impassive as he watched her drape it over her chair and I itched to say something but kept my mouth busy chewing my food. I had to admit Gaby was a good cook, I would probably even sit through another awkward brunch if she was the one cooking.

"How is it pops?" Ez asked, always looking for approval from his highness.

"Fine." Pops mumbled as he went for another mouthful.

Ez grinned at the compliment, and that's what was considered a compliment with pops. Fine was the equivalent of excellent in his house and Gaby just got a big gold star pressed onto her forehead. A bitterness coiled itself in my gut at the compliment and I felt like I was back to being a teenager. All I ever wanted was to hear a compliment from him but no matter how good my grades were he only ever gave me a nod or a grunt to let me know he even heard what I said.

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