18 | Hold On

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Everyday it seemed easy to 'give up'
But I decided to 'hold on' for one more day
And this 'holding on' became the frequency
That made two innocent hearts sway

There were a thousand reasons
To just 'let go' and be free once and for all
But there was something that made me
'Hold on' and I knew I wouldn't fall

There were nights when I cried in silence
And days when I screamed in anger
But there was something, a healing touch
That made me want to still linger

Some moments there was no hope
Though you always said about the light
I guess I did 'hold on' because you were
More precious than every silly fight

The destination wasn't just hazy
The destination simply wasn't there
This traveller might not be an adventurer
But stopping her heart a leap she did dare

Leap and fall, got up and walked again
And then let my heart be healed by you
Again, again, again you were the one
That made those bad days good too

I wouldn't say it was magic
Nor was it just my efforts or your
What was meant to happen would happen
We're just puppets on a unknown tour

But if there's one thing that I learnt from
Everything sweet and magical here on
That some days the world tells you to 'let go'
But those days, tighter you need to 'hold on'


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