26 | Space Of A Heartbeat

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What does it even mean?
Miles and miles of land between us
Yes definitely
And between our hearts?
Well, it's just
The space of a heartbeat
Yes your heart races faster than me
The only race that you're winning
But who knows
What will happen the moment
This skin is touched to yours?
Maybe my heart will win the race
Or it may pause
For the space of a heartbeat
And become
So still that the only sound
Is that small exhaled breath
A mixed concoction
Of our longing sighs
Like willows bending on a lake
Our dreams like ripples
Undulating the calm water
And touching the banks
Somewhere where it's foggy
And you're hidden by the veil of nature
I can feel the warmth between us
The flame crackling
Just like a space of a heartbeat
A bit intimidated
By the distance
But still crackling with energy
Dancing in the ecstasy
And destiny weaves tales
Of longings and breaths
And of desired kisses
Just separated though
By the space of a heartbeat
Because distance is just another word
When love creates bridges


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