Chapter 1

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TW: Mentions of death
Also slight spoilers for episode 6

"Sorry I'm late!" An aqua-haired girl exclaimed, entering the music room, which was accompanied by her fellow band members. She was slightly out of breath from running to the room, although it wasn't too visible how exhausted she was.

"No problem," Milly assured, giving her friend a crooked smirk, before her eyes flickering back down towards her guitar, continuing to tune it, "But why are you late? You always come on time," She added, strumming the instrument once, to check if it had hit the right note. When it didn't, she continuing her task of tuning it.

"I-" Hailey began, but quickly cut herself off, coming to a realization, "Actually don't know..." She breathed out, slightly confused by her own statement. In an attempt to further explain, she tagged on, "I've just had a ton of bad luck recently, not too sure why."

It was true, these past couple of weeks definitely weren't her best. She was constantly late to classes, one of her assignments had even vanished, not to mention the one time she allowed Bethany to use Zander's keyboard, she broke it.

Almost as if the universe was trying to tell her something.

"You're fine Hailey," A deep but soft voice called out from behind her. She turned towards Luke, who was hidden behind his drums, his iconic beaming smile on his face, "We all have bad days. You're only a couple of minutes late, anyway. And you're still earlier than Jake." Hailey glanced around, suddenly realizing the lead singer's absence.

"Anyone who can unintentionally arrive later than Jake basically would break a world record," She heard her step-brother mumble from a few feet in front of her.

As if on cue, the peach-haired voice was heard from behind Hailey, right at the club room door, "I'm here!" He exclaimed, entering the room. The members lightly greeted him, as he began to walk into the room.

"Hey, Jake," She casually greeted, giving him a weak smile of acknowledgment, as she fiddled with the locket held around her neck.

He returned a small grin, before a curious gaze stroke his hazel eyes, noticing the necklace she fumbled with, "That's a nice necklace," He pointed out.

"Oh, this?" She said, she briefly glanced at the mentioned item, not a question, but more of a confirmation, "Yeah, I found it in our attic yesterday. It belonged to my mother," She explained, "It's actually a locket. I have two photos in it..."

"I wanna see!" The club's guitarist gushed, jumping to her feet and joining the two. She glanced at the locket, her eyes gleaming in ecstasy, "Woah! That's gorgeous!" Milly called out after silently inspecting the pendant.

One of the two photos if you guys, believe it or not," The charcoal-eyed girl proclaimed, then opened the locket. She held it out as far as she could, the back of the chain rubbing against her neck, as Jake and Milly looked inside.

"Oh," The latter boy softly uttered, a delighted but surprised tone, "You chose a photo with me in it."

Before Hailey was given a chance to reply, the rouge-eyed high-schooler commented, "Is that your mother?" She asked, glanced back up so her eyes met with those of the taller girl.

"Yeah," Hailey murmured. She herself took a moment to gaze at the family portrait before hearing Sean's voice.

"Alright! Let's begin, shall we?"


Hailey stood on her toes, attempting to place her history textbook on her top locker shelf. After a long, rather stressful day at school, all she wanted was to go home, crash onto her couch, and watch whatever was on the television.

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