Chapter 3

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!Contains spoilers for episode 6!
Tw: Mentions of death


"Hailey! Sweetie, you have to wake up!"

Lazily rubbing her eyes, the teal-haired girl sat up, stretching her arms with a small yawn. "Morning mo-" She immediately stopped herself, seeing a woman with dark purple hair and light violet eyes softly smiling back at her.

Taken aback, Hailey blinked back at her for a moment, before letting out a soft shriek, which startled the woman. "Who the Hell are you?!" Hailey yelled, backing up so she was pressed against the head of the bed. It was only then she realized she wasn't in her room. This one was far smaller, instead of the rich white and bright gold hers was, this room was bland, and had no color scheme.

The woman narrowed her eyes, clearly just as confused and concerned as Hailey was. "Hailey, darling, I'm your mother," The woman then leaned forward, reaching out her arm and placing her hand to Hailey's forehead, "Are you feeling okay!"

"Don't touch me!" Hailey quickly exclaimed, moving sideways so the woman was no longer touching her, "You're not my mother! You look nothing like her!"

After a brief silence, the woman, claiming to be her mother, faltered, "Well, I'm not your biological mother, but-"

"Oh my Gosh, did you kidnap me?!" Hailey suddenly blurted, "This isn't my bedroom! You abducted me!" Her expression grew more baffled and appalled.

The mauve-haired woman's jaw hung open, staring back at Hailey in utter shock. 

"Hey! Can you guys stop yelling!" A voice called out from the hallway of the room. It was vaguely familiar to Hailey... Why did she recognize it?

A boy with violet eyes, identical to the woman's, burst into the room, drying his dark, soaked purple hair with a white towel. After a moment of trying to register the face, Hailey suddenly realized how it was.

"Zander?!" She exclaimed, a mixture of shock and anger, "What the Hell?! Okay, I know I'm usually a jerk to you, but kidnapping me is extreme!" She yelled, "Let me go right now!"

"Hailey, what are you talking about?" The woman asked, growing more concerned as their conversation continued on, "You live here."

"No, I don't!" Hailey snapped back.

"Hey, could you guys keep it down?" Hailey's father walked into the room, standing behind Zander, "Bethany is trying to sleep."

"Dad," Hailey let out a small sigh of relief, "Dad, what are we doing here! Where's mom? And who's Bethany?"

A particular hesitance crossed her father's face. He exchanged a brief glance with the purple-haired woman, before looking back at his daughter, "Hailey, are you okay?" 

"What?" The latter scoffed, "I'm fine, now can you please tell me where we are and why we're here?"

"Hailey, we live here."

Staring back at her father in shock, Hailey found herself paralyzed. She wasn't sure why, but she simply couldn't move. Surely this all had to be a dream, right? There was no way her entire life completely changed overnight.

A loud ring pulled her back to reality, or, rather, what she thought was reality. She glanced at the source of the sound, to see her phone buzzing on the nightstand. Leaning over to grab it, she glanced at the caller ID.

Unknown Number

Though hesitant, Hailey hit the bright green button, accepting the call. She held the device up to her ear, "Hello?" Seeing she was on the phone, the rest of the people in the room left, leaving Hailey alone with the person on the other line.

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