Chapter 4

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Apology in advance, this chapter is rather short and pretty uneventful. I swear after this one they get interesting! (In my opinion- at least-)
I'm also very sorry for the long wait! I promise I'll try to be more consistent with uploads!
Also, quick shoutout to @izabellbee for helping me come up with some of the plot points in this chapter ^^

Deep breathes.

Hailey found it difficult to breathe, the dizziness she felt definitely didn't help. She clutched onto the sink, trying her best to stabilize herself.

Home. All she could think about was how badly she wanted to go home. For her entire life, Hailey was used to running from her problems, and hoping someone else would deal with them.

But there was no escaping this.


Her head darted up at the sound of her name, staring into the mirror. She saw her panicked reflection, then noticed a pale, raven-haired girl not too far behind her. 

"Sadie," Hailey murmured, turning around to face her, "Sadie, you have to help me get home... Please..." Her tone was desperate, on the verge of tears. She *needed* to get home.

"I figured you'd come crawling back and beg for my help," Sadie scoffed, a small smirk forming on her face, "They all do." There was a rather long pause, until Sadie continued, "That locket you have, open it."

Obeying Sadie's orders, Hailey fumbling for her necklace, quickly snapping it open. She saw the two photos, of the club and of her family, both shades of grey, all color drained from them, with the exception of herself. In both photos, she was the only thing that had any source of colour.

"Why are they grey?" Hailey asked, glancing back up at Sadie.

The latter's smirk vanished, a serious expression taking its place. "Listen closely, because I'm only saying this once," She warned, clearing her throat, "The people in those photos play vital roles in your life. Or, your old life, at least. None of them have any prior knowledge of the other universe, the one that you came from. In order to get home, you must re-create a particular memory that occurred in your universe involving one of them. If the memory served a very important role in their life in your universe, they'll get a flashback of the original event. They'll remember that particular part of their other life, and once they do, they will grow colour in your photo. Once they all have colour, you get to go home."

Hailey listened carefully to each word, yet she still wanted confirmation, "So, basically, for each of them, I have to re-create an event that occurred in my universe?"

Sadie nodded, before adding on, "And the event you choose can't occur in any other universe or timeline. It has to be unique to your universe."

"What?" Hailey questioned, "How am I meant to know what goes on in the other universes? How many even are there?!"

"Far too many to count," Sadie shrugged, her eyes tracing the ceiling, before landing back onto Hailey, "And I don't have all the answers of all space and time."

"Yeah?! Well it seems like you do! You're just refusing to tell me!" Hailey snapped back.

Sadie raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "Actually, I forgot to mention, there's a catch."

"What is it...?" The aqua-haired girl faltered, though she was quite certain she didn't want to hear the answer.

"You have two weeks."

"W-what?" Hailey stammered, her ebony eyes widened, "How am I meant to recover seven people's memories in fourteen days?!"

"Only one memory each," Sadie clarified. "I have to go now. Good luck, Hailey."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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