Saving you from yourself {7}

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~Jaxon's POV~

As I finish a lazy styling of my hair, I look in my mirror one last time. I take a hurried glance at myself and hope that I look presentable enough to go into a hospital. See, you know I'm trying hard to look good when I put on my dark blue jeans and an elegant purple plaid button up that honestly makes me feel like I'm going to church. It doesnt look like that, because it's untucked and the top few buttons are undone, exposing my neck and collar bone area. My hair is in it's normal banged form, and I decided not to wear any of my false peircings. Between you and me, I'm too much of a wuss for the real things, except for my ears. I got those so I could wear my Gir studs. (WAFFLES!) Anyways, I nod and slip into my regular black sneakers and spray on some of my every day body spray. Before I can look in the mirror again, I hear a sound comparable to a parakeet screaming 'BLOODY MURDER!!!'

"Jaxon! Hurry your skinny, egotistical ass up! Jesus, man, some of us actually want to go see Cyrus before he gets out!" Angelique's screeches penetrated my peaceful thoughts like the swords that go into the box in that one magic trick. I grin, snatch up dad's keys and meet her down in the car, from whence she hollered.

"Impatient, much, little sis?"

I grin at her and turn the car over, switching it into drive, starting us dosn our long driveway. "You are so lucky I failed my permit test, like, I swear." She huffed(and puffed) and rolled her eyes. "I just really wanna see Cyrus, Jax. You look nice. Who are you? What have you done with my brother? On second thought, you can keep him, I like you a lot better." She laughed, and i cackled, punching her in the shoulder softly. As I pulled up to speed to get on the highway to to the hospital, she looked at me. "You know I love ya, Jax. I'm messin with you. You're so serious, what the flying fergaliscious is wrong with you?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong, my jams aren't playin!" I popped in my Fall Out Boy: Infinity On High album into the CD player as i deflected her question. She rolled her eyes again, and shook her bangs, which rivaled mine. Her hair was straight and back in a simple pony tail. She was more casual than me. She wore some ugg boots, simpled jeans, and a nice navy blue flowy blouse. "You look great sis. Don't go picking up any rich hot docs before i do!" I grinned as we pulled into the parking lot. She sighed in exasperation and shook her head at me again. "Thanks, Jax." I saw her smile on the DL. We were more serious than usual. Anyways, we parked and headed inside the hospital.

"Did you tell Julian we were here?" Angelique asked, because he told us to let him know when we'd be here. I began to reply, "Yeah, he-" but was cut off.

"Jaxon! Angelique!" Julian was in all out scrubs. The minty color too, which made my insides cringe, but i smiled. "Hey, Mr. Julian!" I smiled as he hugged us both.

"Hey, guys. Cy's room is right down that hallway, room 43, if you wanna see him." He ponited us forward. "The cafe is all the way down, to the left. I'd take you on a tour, but they've got me running fro, hell to hawaii and back around here, its insane! I'll see you two later, stay out of trouble!!" And as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.

"Yeah, doctors are way too fast for me Jax, you can have 'em." We giggled and headed hurriedly to Cyrus's room. As we slipped in, we saw that there was a football game in the pregame phase, and four men sat at a table using terms that were alien to me. Lying there, out cold, with some sort of IV in his arm, was Cyrus. I stopped in my tracks for a moment. He was so..cute when he slept...

He looked all kinds of sweet and serene. Then the sweet serenity of the moment was ruined as Angie got tired of me being in her way and shoved me softly out of it and went over to Cy. I stepped beside her."He's out like a who knows what, Jax...lets give him some time. It's lunch time anyway, lets go grab some grub." She sighed and walked out slowly. I turned to follow her, but before i did, I leaned in an kissed Cyrus's forehead softly. He stirred a little and i shot out faster than you couls say 'dude, he already knows it was you'.

I caught up with Angie at the cafe. It was more like a food court with all the options of places, jeez. We settled on good ol' subway and had made freah. I had ham and cheese, she had a meatball sub. "Oh, you just love your meat and your balls, huh Angie?" She choked on her sub for a moment and i laughed. "You're one to talk, you sicko!" She smirked. She loved my innuendos, but hated my timing.

We sat there and we ate and chatted, and we actually heard a page for Julian at one time, then continued our conversation for a while. All the time we were hoping Cy would be in decent shape by Friday. We had something in store, alright....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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